

我是小企业主,正在尝试为我们的客户信息构建MSAccess数据库。  它将有多个表和不同的来源,但所有信息都与客户的LastName和FirstName相关。  令我惊讶的是,我无法将
指定为两个不同的字段作为设计视图中的主键。  每个字段都包含重复项;但是,两个字段一起唯一地标识行/记录。  有人可以告诉我我做错了什么吗?  谢谢!

I am a small business owner and am attempting to build an MSAccess DB for our customer info.  It will have multiple tables and different sources but all the info relates to a customer's LastName and FirstName.  Much to my surprise, I am unable to designate the two different fields as Primary Keys in Design View.  Each field contains duplicates; however, the two field together uniquely identify a row/record.  Can someone tell me what I am doing wrong?  Thanks!



Although what you're trying to do is possible, it would be simpler, in my humble opinion, to use a single numeric field as a primary key.


However, if you insist in using the two fields, go to the Index window and select the second field just below the first one without specifying an index name.


Hope it helps...


08-22 22:18