Very often, while building stand-alone scripts (where I can't have any outside dependencies), I find myself adding a function for reading cookies, and usually fall-back on the QuirksMode.org readCookie()
method (280 bytes, 216 minified.)
function readCookie(name) {
var nameEQ = name + "=";
var ca = document.cookie.split(';');
for(var i=0;i < ca.length;i++) {
var c = ca[i];
while (c.charAt(0)==' ') c = c.substring(1,c.length);
if (c.indexOf(nameEQ) == 0) return c.substring(nameEQ.length,c.length);
return null;
It does the job, but its ugly, and adds quite a bit of bloat each time.
The method that jQuery.cookie uses something like this (modified, 165 bytes, 125 minified):
function read_cookie(key)
var result;
return (result = new RegExp('(?:^|; )' + encodeURIComponent(key) + '=([^;]*)').exec(document.cookie)) ? (result[1]) : null;
Note this is not a 'Code Golf' competition: I'm legitimately interested in reducing the size of my readCookie function, and in ensuring the solution I have is valid.
This will only ever hit document.cookie ONE time. Every subsequent request will be instant.
var cookies;
function readCookie(name,c,C,i){
if(cookies){ return cookies[name]; }
c = document.cookie.split('; ');
cookies = {};
for(i=c.length-1; i>=0; i--){
C = c[i].split('=');
cookies[C[0]] = C[1];
return cookies[name];
window.readCookie = readCookie; // or expose it however you want
恐怕真的没有比这个一般逻辑更快的方法,除非你自由使用 .forEach
I'm afraid there really isn't a faster way than this general logic unless you're free to use .forEach
which is browser dependent (even then you're not saving that much)
稍微压缩到 120字节
function read_cookie(k,r){return(r=RegExp('(^|; )'+encodeURIComponent(k)+'=([^;]*)').exec(document.cookie))?r[2]:null;}
如果你做的话,你可以得到 110 bytes
如果你删除 encodeURIComponent
,它是一个1个字母的函数名, 90个字节
You can get it to 110 bytes
if you make it a 1-letter function name, 90 bytes
if you drop the encodeURIComponent
我已经得到 73字节
,但公平的是 82字节
当添加 encodeURIComponent
时命名为 readCookie
和 102个字节
I've gotten it down to 73 bytes
, but to be fair it's 82 bytes
when named readCookie
and 102 bytes
when then adding encodeURIComponent
function C(k){return(document.cookie.match('(^|; )'+k+'=([^;]*)')||0)[2]}