

我使用的是发出请求到服务器 jQuery.post()和我的服务器返回的JSON对象(如 {变种: 值,...} 。但是,如果任何一个值,包含一个单引号(正确转义像 \ ),jQuery的失败解析一个非常有效的JSON字符串这里是我的意思(在Chrome的控制台做)的一个例子:

I'm making requests to my server using jQuery.post() and my server is returning JSON objects (like { "var": "value", ... }. However, if any of the values contains a single quote (properly escaped like \'), jQuery fails to parse an otherwise valid JSON string. Here's an example of what I mean (done in Chrome's Console):


Is this normal? Is there no way to properly pass a single quote via JSON?


据有关 JSON网站状态机图,只逃脱双引号字符是允许的,不是单引号。单引号字符不需要进行转义:

According to the state machine diagram on the JSON website, only escaped double-quote characters are allowed, not single-quotes. Single quote characters do not need to be escaped:

更新 - 对于那些有兴趣的更多信息:

Update - More information for those that are interested:

道格拉斯·克罗克福德并没有具体说出为什么JSON规范不允许转义字符串中的单引号。然而,在他的 JavaScript的附录E:好的部分的,他写道:

Douglas Crockford does not specifically say why the JSON specification does not allow escaped single quotes within strings. However, during his discussion of JSON in Appendix E of JavaScript: The Good Parts, he writes:



So perhaps he decided to only allow strings to be defined using double-quotes since this is one less rule that all JSON implementations must agree on. As a result, it is impossible for a single quote character within a string to accidentally terminate the string, because by definition a string can only be terminated by a double-quote character. Hence there is no need to allow escaping of a single quote character in the formal specification.

挖一点点更深,克罗克福德的 org.json 以Java实现的JSON是更允许和确实的允许单引号字符:

Digging a little bit deeper, Crockford's org.json implementation of JSON for Java is more permissible and does allow single quote characters:



  • 在字符串可以用'(单引号)引用。

这是由 JSONTokener 源$ C ​​$ C证实。该 nextString 方法接受转义单引号和对待他们就像双引号字符:

This is confirmed by the JSONTokener source code. The nextString method accepts escaped single quote characters and treats them just like double-quote characters:

public String nextString(char quote) throws JSONException {
    char c;
    StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer();
    for (;;) {
        c = next();
        switch (c) {


        case '\\':
            c = this.next();
            switch (c) {


            case '"':
            case '\'':
            case '\\':
            case '/':


At the top of the method is an informative comment:


因此​​,一些实施将接受单引号 - 但你不应该依赖于这一点。许多流行的实现是非常严格在这方面并拒绝JSON包含单引号字符串和/或转义单引号。

So some implementations will accept single quotes - but you should not rely on this. Many popular implementations are quite restrictive in this regard and will reject JSON that contains single quoted strings and/or escaped single quotes.

最后,以配合该回到原来的问题, jQuery.parseJSON 使用浏览器的原生JSON解析器或加载库的第一次尝试,如的在适用情况下(这在一个侧面说明是jQuery的逻辑是基于如果 JSON库没有定义)。因此,jQuery的只能是作为许可作为底层的实现:

Finally to tie this back to the original question, jQuery.parseJSON first attempts to use the browser's native JSON parser or a loaded library such as json2.js where applicable (which on a side note is the library the jQuery logic is based on if JSON is not defined). Thus jQuery can only be as permissive as that underlying implementation:

parseJSON: function( data ) {

    // Attempt to parse using the native JSON parser first
    if ( window.JSON && window.JSON.parse ) {
        return window.JSON.parse( data );


    jQuery.error( "Invalid JSON: " + data );


As far as I know these implementations only adhere to the official JSON specification and do not accept single quotes, hence neither does jQuery.


08-22 22:21