


The Entity Framework context object implements a Dispose() method which "Releases the resources used by the object context". What does it do really? Could it be a bad thing to always put it into a using {} statement? I've seen it being used both with and without the using statement.


I'm specifically going to use the EF context from within a WCF service method, create the context, do some linq and return the answer.


Seems that I'm not the only one wondering about this. Another question is what's really happening inside the Dispose() method. Some say it closes connections, and some articles says not. What's the deal?



If you create a context, you must dispose it later. If you should use the using statement depends on the life time of the context.

  1. 如果您创建一个方法的上下文,只有在这个方法中使用它,你应该使用使用语句,因为它可以让你的异常处理,而不任何额外的code。

  1. If you create the context in a method and use it only within this method, you should really use the using statement because it gives you the exception handling without any additional code.

如果您使用较长时间的情况下 - 这是企业的生命时间不是由一个方法的执行时间限制 - 你不能使用使用声明,你要叫的Dispose()自己和照顾,你总是称呼它。

If you use the context for a longer period - that is the life time is not bound by the execution time of a method - you cannot use the using statement and you have to call Dispose() yourself and take care that you always call it.


What does Dispose()do for an object context?


I did not look at the code, but at least I exspect it to close the database connection with its underlying sockets or whatever resources the transport mechanism used.


08-30 05:36