我在使用VB.NET与Magento的API来工作的过程。我用的是SOAP V1顺利,直到我遇到了,需要一个关联数组的呼叫。经过一天左右,没有运气的,我决定尝试V2有我需要的所有对象。 v2的作品,但非常,非常缓慢。要更新一个股票项目库存它大致花了一分钟半的时间来登录并做更新,而不是可能不到10秒V1。这让我想起我为什么首先选择了V1。
I am in the process of using VB.NET to work with the Magento API. I was using SOAP v1 successfully until I ran into a call that needs an associative array. After a day or so of no luck I decided to try v2 which has all the objects I need. v2 works but is very, very slow. To update one stock item inventory it took roughly a minute and a half to login and do the update as opposed to maybe less than 10 seconds with v1. That reminded me why I chose v1 in the first place.
My question is if there is anyway to improve the performance on v2. I can't imagine there is to the extent I need it but I thought I'd ask. I already have caching enabled. The alternative of getting v1 to accept an associative array seems to be a challenge, if possible.
有很多原因WSDL请求可能会花费很长的时间,但我会检查的第一件事是在 WSDL 缓存。当你进行API调用到Magento的,Magento的使用PHP的 SoapServer的
对象。在 SoapServer的
There's lots of reasons a WSDL request might be taking a long time, but the first thing I'd check is the settings for the WSDL cache. When you make an API call into Magento, Magento uses PHP's SoapServer
object. The SoapServer
object needs to fetch its own WSDL file to operate, and the generation and fetching of this file can be a time consuming thing.
System -> Configuration -> Magento Core API -> General Settings
and look for "Enable WSDL Cache". Set this to yes and you'll see some API performance improvement.
这设置可能无法在你的Magento版本存在 - 如果是这样的话,你可能会感兴趣的水星API 扩展(由我创建并销售)与API改进,包括此功能,旧版本的Magento。如果你没有预算延期, Mage_Api_Model_Server_Adapter_Soap
这篇关于Magento的SOAP V1 V2与性能的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!