本文介绍了ITextSharp - 如何知道表格是否会转到下一页?的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!



I am writing into a document multiple tables using ITextSharp.


How to know if a table will go to a next page, so then I could remove a certain cell?

PS我正在使用 table.KeepTogether = true;


你可以在模拟模式下使用 ColumnText 来确定元素是否适合特定的矩形。另请参见

You can use ColumnText in simulation mode to find out if elements fit a specific rectangle. See also How to fit a String inside a rectangle?


ColumnText ct = new ColumnText(writer.DirectContent);
ct.SetSimpleColumn(36, 36, 559, 806);
int status = ct.Go(true);

我用坐标(36,36)(559,806)因为我认为你的A4文件边距为半英寸。如果 ColumnText.HasMoreText(status) true ,则表对象不适合页面。如果该值为 false ,则该表适合页面,您甚至可以使用 ct.GetYLine()方法找出表结束的Y坐标。

I used coordinates (36, 36) and (559, 806) because I assume that you have an A4 document with a margin of half an inch. If ColumnText.HasMoreText(status) is true, then the table object didn't fit the page. If that value is false, then the table fits the page and you can even use ct.GetYLine() method to find out the Y coordinate where the table ends.

根据此信息,您可以将更改的表或现有表添加到 ColumnText object,重置简单列并使用 Go(false)(或 Go())添加真实的内容。

Based on this information, you can add an altered table or the existing table to a ColumnText object, reset the simple column and use Go(false) (or Go()) to add the content for real.


  • iText - Strange column- / page changing behaviour with ColumnText
  • ColumnText and truncate issue
  • How to adjust the page height to the content height?

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07-22 22:10