I decided to take a dip into ML and with a lot of trial and error was able to create a model using TS' inception.
要更进一步,我想使用其对象检测API .但是他们的输入准备指令引用了使用 Pascal VOC 2012 数据集,但我想在我自己的数据集上进行训练.
To take this a step further, I want to use their Object Detection API. But their input preparation instructions, references the use of Pascal VOC 2012 dataset but I want to do the training on my own dataset.
这是否意味着我需要将数据集设置为Pascal VOC或 Oxford IIT 格式?如果是,我该怎么做?
Does this mean I need to setup my datasets to either Pascal VOC or Oxford IIT format? If yes, how do I go about doing this?
If no (my instinct says this is the case), what are the alternatives of using TS object detection with my own datasets?
侧面说明: 我知道我训练有素的初始模型无法用于本地化,因为它具有分类器
For those still looking to achieve this, here is how I went about doing it.
Tensorflow对象检测API中的培训工作希望获得TF Record文件,其中某些字段填充了地实数据.
The training jobs in the Tensorflow Object Detection API expect to get TF Record files with certain fields populated with groundtruth data.
您可以将数据设置为与Pascal VOC或Oxford-IIIT示例相同的格式,或者可以直接创建TFRecord文件而忽略XML格式.
You can either set up your data in the same format as the Pascal VOC or Oxford-IIIT examples, or you can just directly create the TFRecord files ignoring the XML formats.
In the latter case, the create_pet_tf_record.py or create_pascal_tf_record.py scripts are likely to still be useful as a reference for which fields the API expects to see and what format they should take. Currently we do not provide a tool that creates these TFRecord files generally, so you will have to write your own.