



What happends to variable when line of execution goes outside of code block?For example:

1  public void myMethod()
2  {
3     int number;
4     number = 5;
5  }


so, we declare and set variable. When it goes outside of code block (line 5) what happends to variable number?


Here is another example with creating instance of class:

7   public void myMethod()
8   {
9      Customer myClient;
10     myClient = new Customer();
11  }


When it goes outside of code block (line 11) what happends to object reference myClient?


I guess in both cases variable is allocated but when it is deallocated?


作为变量,它是C#语言中的一个概念.在代码块外部没有任何意外发生",因为它在代码块内部.这句话外面的 word 一词什么都没有发生.

As a variable it's a concept in the C# language. Nothing "happens" to it outside of the code block, because it is inside the code block. Nothing happens to the word word outside this sentence.


Of course, you mean what happens to the thing that variable becomes when the code is run, but it's worth remembering the distinction, because in considering that question we're shifting to levels where variables are not as they are in C#.


In both cases the code is turned into CIL, and then into machine code when it is run.


The CIL could differ quite a bit. For example, here's how the first looks when compiled in debug mode:

.method public hidebysig instance void myMethod () cil managed
  .locals init ([0] int32) // Set-up space for a 32-bit value to be stored
  nop                      // Do nothing
  ldc.i4.5                 // Push the number 5 onto the stack
  stloc.0                  // Store the number 5 in the first slot of locals
  ret                      // Return


And here's how it looks when compiled to release:

.method public hidebysig instance void myMethod () cil managed
  ret                      // Return


Since the value isn't used, the compiler removes that as useless cruft and just compiles a method that immediately returns.


If the compiler didn't remove such code, we might expect something like:

.method public hidebysig instance void myMethod () cil managed
  ldc.i4.5                 // Push the number 5 onto the stack
  pop                      // Remove value from stack
  ret                      // Return


Debug builds store things for longer, because examining them is useful for debugging.


When release builds do store things in the array of locals, they are also more likely to reuse slots within the method.

然后将其转换为机器代码.这将类似于它的工作方式,将产生数字5,将其存储在本地(在堆栈上或在寄存器中),然后再次将其删除,或者替代地不做任何事情,因为未使用的变量已被删除. (也许甚至不执行该方法;可以内联该方法,然后由于它没有执行任何操作,因此可以将其完全删除).

This is then turned into machine code. It would be analogous in how it would work in that it would either produce the number 5, store it locally (on the stack or in a register) and then get rid of it again, or alternatively do nothing because the unused variable has been removed. (Perhaps not even executing the method; the method could be inlined, and then since it doesn't do anything be effectively removed entirely).


With a type with a constructor, there's slightly more going on:

.method public hidebysig instance void myMethod () cil managed
  .locals init ([0] class Temp.Program/Customer)       // Set-up space for a reference to a Customer

  nop                                                  // Do nothing.
  newobj instance void SomeNamespace/Customer::.ctor() // Call Customer constructor (results in Customer on the stack)
  stloc.0                                              // Store the customer in the frist slot in locals
  ret                                                  // Return

.method public hidebysig instance void myMethod () cil managed
  newobj instance void SomeNamespace/Customer::.ctor() // Call Customer constructor (results in Customer on the stack)
  pop                                                  // Remove value from stack
  ret                                                  // Return


Here both call the constructor, and even the release build does that, because it has to ensure that any side-effects still happen.


There is also more happening if Customer is a reference type. If it's a value-type then all of it is held in the stack (though it may have fields that are reference types in turn). If it's a reference type then what is held in the stack is a reference to an object in the heap. When there are no longer any such references on the stack the garbage collector won't find it in its sweep to find which objects it can't collect, and it can be collected.

在发行版中,构造函数返回后,可能永远不会有保存该引用的内存位置或寄存器.确实,即使构造函数正在运行(如果没有字段访问或 this 的其他隐式或显式使用)发生,也可能没有一个,或者它可能在此过程中被部分抹去了(一旦此类访问)已经完成),因此垃圾回收可能会在构造函数尚未完成之前进行.

In the release version, there might never be a memory location or register that holds that reference once the constructor returns. Indeed, there might not be one even when the constructor was running (if no field accesses or other implicit or explicit use of this happen) or it might have been wiped part-way through that (once such accesses had finished), so garbage collection could happen before the constructor has even finished.


More likely it will hang around in heap memory for some time after the method has returned, because the GC hasn't run yet.


07-22 11:04