

我正在尝试使用单个设备的主机名来获取设备的站点名称,该对象包含 Powershell 中 100 个设备的详细信息.我如何过滤它?

I'm trying to get the sitename of a device by using the hostname of a single device from an object that contains the details of 100's of devices in Powershell. How do I filter it?

数据最初来自 API 并作为 Json 引入,我已使用 ConvertFrom-Json 对其进行转换,因此它现在应该在一个对象中.

The data is originally from an API and is being pulled in as Json, I've converted it using ConvertFrom-Json so it should be in an object now.

我尝试通过 Select-ObjectWhere-Object 管道对象失败,我使用命令的方式似乎没有做任何事情,但我我不确定我做错了什么.

I have tried piping the object through Select-Object and Where-Object unsuccessfully, the way I'm using the commands don't seem to do anything but I'm not sure what I'm doing wrong.


The data is initially pulled using:

$allDevices = New-AemApiRequest @params -ApiAccessToken $apiAccessToken


And is then converted to an object using:

$allDevicesObj = $allDevices | ConvertFrom-Json


The results of that can then be seen using:

Write-Host $allDevicesObj.devices


Which will show data similar to this:

@{id=1234; uid=123-456-789; siteId=1; siteUid=11aa; siteName=site1; deviceType=; hostname=DESKTOP-abc123;}
@{id=2345; uid=987-654-321; siteId=2; siteUid=22bb; siteName=site2; deviceType=; hostname=DESKTOP-abc456;}
@{id=3456; uid=234-345-456; siteId=3; siteUid=33bb; siteName=site3; deviceType=; hostname=DESKTOP-abc789;}

我希望能够根据主机名将输出过滤为 1 个结果,因此我尝试使用 Where-ObjectSelect-Object 的组合> 功能:

I want to be able to filter the output to 1 of the results based on the hostname, so I tried using a combination of the Where-Object and Select-Object functions:

Write-Host $allDevicesObj.devices | Where-Object {$_.hostname -eq DESKTOP-abc123}


That just seems to do nothing and displays everything again. I tried being a bit less specific, but to also only select the siteName:

Write-Host $allDevicesObj.devices | Where-Object -Contains "123" | Select-Object -Property siteName

但这也再次显示了一切.我用 Select-Object 尝试了类似的变体,结果相同.

But that just showed everything again too. I tried similar variants with Select-Object with the same results.

当使用 Where-Object 指定我想要的对象,然后使用 Select-Object 选择 siteName 值/属性时,我希望得到输出只是

When using the Where-Object to specify the object I want and then to just select the siteName value/property using Select-Object I am hoping to get the output to just be



Write-Host 将对象的字符串表示形式写入控制台,并且不向管道发送任何内容.使用 Where-Object 过滤并允许将其写入输出流.

Write-Host writes a string representation of your object to the console and doesn't send anything down the pipeline. Filter using Where-Object and just allow it to be written to the Output stream.

$allDevicesObj | Where-Object {$_.hostname -eq 'DESKTOP-abc123'}

要获得可以从 where-object 到 select-object 的管道

To get just the site you can pipe from where-object to select-object

$allDevicesObj | Where-Object {$_.hostname -eq 'DESKTOP-abc123'} | Select-Object -property SiteName


05-28 21:29