


I would like to read/write the window information file (extended file properties) using c#

通过执行以下操作找到的:在窗口资源管理器中右键单击 => 属性 => 摘要选项卡.我主要想访问这些属性:

The one found by doing the following: In window explorer right click => properties => Summary tab. I want mainly to have access to the properties:

  • 标题
  • 类别
  • 修订号

对于办公文档,我可以使用以下(使用 Office.Interop)或使用 DSOFile

For office document I can use the following (using Office.Interop) or using DSOFile

    private static string GetExcelWorkbookPropertyValue(_Workbook workbook, string propertyName)
        DocumentProperties builtInProperties = (DocumentProperties)workbook.BuiltinDocumentProperties;
        string value = builtInProperties.Cast<DocumentProperty>().First(x => x.Name.Equals(propertyName, StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase)).Value;
        return value ?? "";


But what i would like is a more general solution that will work with all files.



Question additional information you can also read the properties Title and Category by using Shell32

        Shell32.Shell shell = new Shell32.Shell();
        //set the namespace to file path
        Shell32.Folder folder = shell.NameSpace(Path.GetDirectoryName(file));
        //get ahandle to the file
        Shell32.FolderItem folderItem = folder.ParseName(Path.GetFileName(file));
        //did we get a handle ?
        if (folderItem != null)
            for (int i = 0; i < 100; i++)
                string s = folder.GetDetailsOf(folderItem, i);

不过我还是写了revision number这个属性,不过貌似revision number是office文档属性,不能写(估计会打断office的跟踪流程).

However I still write the properity Revision Number, however it's look like Revision number is an office document property and cannot be written (I guess it will break the tracking process of office).


What does not make sense is that I can modify it using window explorer and the property is also visible for non-office documents... I'm struggling to understand that.


此信息存储在 属性.以下是一些标准属性.不过,我不确定 .NET Framework 是否提供了这些接口的包装器.

This information is stored in properties. Here are some of the standard properties. I'm not sure if the .NET Framework provides a wrapper around these interfaces, though.


08-20 01:50