


I need reading image files with Unicode names however openCV function imread's argument for image names supports only strings. how can I save my Unicode path to string objects. Is there any solution for this?



  1. 使用 ifstream 打开文件,

  2. 标准中读取所有内容: :vector< uchar>

  3. 使用 cv :: imdecode 对其进行解码。

  1. open the file with ifstream,
  2. read it all in a std::vector<uchar>,
  3. decode it with cv::imdecode.

请参阅下面的示例加载到 img2 带有Unicode文件名的图像使用 ifstream

See the example below that loads into img2 an image with a Unicode filename using ifstream:

#include <opencv2\opencv.hpp>
#include <vector>
#include <fstream>

using namespace cv;
using namespace std;

int main()
    // This doesn't work with Unicode characters

    Mat img = imread("D:\\SO\\img\\æbärnɃ.jpg");
    if (img.empty()) {
        cout << "Doesn't work with Unicode filenames\n";
    else {
        cout << "Work with Unicode filenames\n";
        imshow("Unicode with imread", img);

    // This WORKS with Unicode characters

    // This is a wide string!!!
    wstring name = L"D:\\SO\\img\\æbärnɃ.jpg";

    // Open the file with Unicode name
    ifstream f(name, iostream::binary);

    // Get its size
    filebuf* pbuf = f.rdbuf();
    size_t size = pbuf->pubseekoff(0, f.end, f.in);
    pbuf->pubseekpos(0, f.in);

    // Put it in a vector
    vector<uchar> buffer(size);
    pbuf->sgetn((char*)buffer.data(), size);

    // Decode the vector
    Mat img2 = imdecode(buffer, IMREAD_COLOR);

    if (img2.empty()) {
        cout << "Doesn't work with Unicode filenames\n";
    else {
        cout << "Work with Unicode filenames\n";
        imshow("Unicode with fstream", img2);

    return 0;

如果您正在使用Qt,你可以用 QFile QString 更方便地做到这一点,因为 QString 原生处理Unicode字符, QFile 提供了一种简单的文件大小方式:

If you're using Qt, you can do this a little more conveniently with QFile and QString, since QString natively handle Unicode characters, and QFile provides an easy way to the the file size:

QString name = "path/to/unicode_img";
QFile file(name);
qint64 sz = file.size();
std::vector<uchar> buf(sz);
file.read((char*)buf.data(), sz);
cv::Mat3b img = cv::imdecode(buf, cv::IMREAD_COLOR);


For completeness, here you can see how to do this in Python


07-23 04:36