图像库 - 文本渲染What is the most speedy way and accurate to render non-anti-aliased fonts (e.g. ttf fonts) using Python to an internal image (e.g. to a PIL.Image, i.e. I don't need to display it)? I say accurate because I tried it with pygame a while back and the rendered fonts at the size I gave it didn't match what windows rendered in Word or Paint. 解决方案 Python Imaging Library (PIL) can render text to an image--I'm not aware of it being inaccurate, but I haven't fully tested it yet...Example from a pre-existing question:from PIL import Imagefrom PIL import ImageFont, ImageDrawimage ="RGBA", (288,432), (255,255,255))usr_font = ImageFont.truetype("resources/HelveticaNeueLight.ttf", 25)d_usr = ImageDraw.Draw(image)d_usr.fontmode = "1" # this apparently sets (anti)aliasing. See link below.d_usr.text((105,280), "MYTEXT",(0,0,0), font=usr_font)See also: Imaging Library - Text rendering 这篇关于如何将非抗锯齿字体渲染到内部图像?的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持! 上岸,阿里云!
05-28 13:09