


I have a question that about detecting touch in SceneKit. I have been able to find questions about how to detect when a certain object is touched but I need something a bit more specific. I need to be able to tell when a certain part of an object is touched. To explain a little better, I have a 3d model of a human and I need to be able to tell when say the head is touched or the leg is touched etc. If any further clarification is needed I would be glad to provide it, I'm just not quite sure how to accomplish this.



To expand on NicoS's answer: hit testing is the way to do this. But you actually have several possible options for identifying model parts in a hit test result, so you can choose the one that best fits your content creation pipeline.

  1. 如其他答案中所述,如果您可以将模型分解为单独的模型,每个模型都具有自己的节点托管在场景中,则可以使用 SCNHitTestResult.node 属性,以找出单击/点击/抓取的节点.

  1. As noted in other answers, if you can break your model up into separate models, each of which is hosted in the scene with its own node, you can use the SCNHitTestResult.node property to find out which node was clicked/tapped/grabbed.

如果无法完全拆分模型,则可以将其拆分为仍然存在于同一资产/节点中的多个部分.SceneKit调用这些 geometry元素,某些创作工具将其称为 submeshes ,低级渲染代码将其称为具有单独索引缓冲区的单独绘制调用,等等.几何元素(对于在几何的不同部分上用多种材料绘制一个几何所必需的几何元素),您可以使用 SCNHitTestResult.geometryIndex 属性.(在 answer链接到的HalMueller 中使用了这种方法.)

If you can't split the model completely, you may be able to split it into multiple parts that still live in the same asset/node. SceneKit calls these geometry elements, some authoring tools call them submeshes, low-level rendering code calls it a separate draw call with a separate index buffer, etc. When you have separate geometry elements (which are necessary for drawing one geometry with multiple materials on different parts of the geometry), you can identify them in hit-testing with the SCNHitTestResult.geometryIndex property. (This approach is used in the answer HalMueller linked to.)

如果您控制网格的纹理映射数据,则可以使用 textureCoordinates(withMappingChannel:) 来获取单击点的纹理坐标,然后在对感兴趣的区域进行颜色编码的纹理图像中查找它们.(您可以在本文,尽管该实现并非特定于SceneKit.)

If you control the texture mapping data for the mesh, you can use textureCoordinates(withMappingChannel:) to get texture coordinates for the clicked point, then look them up in a texture image in which you've color-coded the ares of interest. (You can get a general overview for the theory behind this idea in this article, though the implementation isn't specific to SceneKit.)

如果为骨骼动画装配模型,则可以使用 SCNHitTestResult.boneNode 属性以获取在点击位置最负责几何变形的骨骼.

If your model is rigged for skeletal animation, you can use the SCNHitTestResult.boneNode property to get the bone most responsible for geometry deformation at the clicked point.


09-05 13:56