

我正在ASP.NET Core应用程序上使用带有MySql扩展的Entity Framework。我的域模型之一 Message 具有Guid属性,当我想在DbContext上执行任何操作时,我收到一个错误消息:属性'Message .ID的类型为 Guid,当前数据库提供程序不支持。

I'm using Entity Framework with MySql extension on ASP.NET Core application. One of my domain model Message have Guid property and when I want to execute any operation on my DbContext I'm receiving an error: The property 'Message.ID' is of type 'Guid' which is not supported by current database provider. Either change the property CLR type or manually configure the database type for it..


How do I "manually configure the database type'? I've read that it should be mapped for CHAR(36), but I couldn't find how to do that on application side.


当我将属性 [Column(TypeName = char(32))] 设置为 Guid 属性,错误仍然存​​在。

When I set the attribute [Column(TypeName = "char(32)")] to the Guid property, error remains.


protected override void OnModelCreating(ModelBuilder modelBuilder)
  var messageEntity = modelBuilder.Entity< Message>();
  messageEntity.Property(x => x.ID).
   HasAnnotation("Column", new { TypeName = "char(32)" });



I had this issue and I resolved that way:

  1. 我从项目中删除了MySql.Data.EntityFrameworkCore

  1. I removed the MySql.Data.EntityFrameworkCore from my project

我安装了由 Nuget
数据提供者已正确映射 Guid

我将方法名称 UseMySQL 更改为 UseMySql 并在 Startup.cs 处使用Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore; 添加了

I changed my method name UseMySQL to UseMySql and added using Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore; at Startup.cs:

services.AddDbContext(options =>

options.UseMySql(Configuration.GetConnectionString( MyContext))))

services.AddDbContext(options =>

记住确保 Guid 的数据类型为 char(36)在数据库中。

Remember to make sure the Guid is data type char(36) in the database.


08-03 22:52