I'm trying to get a hash (md5 or sha) of an object.
我已经实现了这一点: http://alexmg.com/post/2009/04/16/计算C.aspx中任何对象的任何哈希值
I've implemented this:http://alexmg.com/post/2009/04/16/Compute-any-hash-for-any-object-in-C.aspx
I'm using nHibernate to retrieve my POCOs from a database.
When running GetHash on this, it's different each time it's selected and hydrated from the database. I guess this is expected, as the underlying proxies will change.
Is there a way to get a hash of all the properties on an object, consistently each time?
我很喜欢在this.GetType().GetProperties .....上使用StringBuilder并在其上创建哈希的想法,但这似乎效率不高?
I've toyed with the idea of using a StringBuilder over this.GetType().GetProperties..... and creating a hash on that, but that seems inefficient?
As a side note, this is for change-tracking these entities from one database (RDBMS) to a NoSQL store(comparing hash values to see if objects changed between rdbms and nosql)
. Object.GetHashCode
If you're not overriding GetHashCode
you just inherit Object.GetHashCode
. Object.GetHashCode
basically just returns the memory address of the instance, if it's a reference object. Of course, each time an object is loaded it will likely be loaded into a different part of memory and thus result in a different hash code.
It's debatable whether that's the correct thing to do; but that's what was implemented "back in the day" so it can't change now.
并根据对象的值"(即属性和/或字段)创建代码.这可以像所有属性/字段的哈希码的分布式合并一样简单.或者,它可能会像您需要的那样复杂. 如果您要查找变更跟踪,请为该对象使用唯一键哈希可能无法正常工作
If you want something consistent then you have to override GetHashCode
and create a code based on the "value" of the object (i.e. the properties and/or fields). This can be as simple as a distributed merging of the hash codes of all the properties/fields. Or, it could be as complicated as you need it to be. If you're looking for change tracking, using the unique key for the hash probably isn't going to work
I simply use all the hash codes of the fields to create a reasonably distributed hash code for the parent object. For example:
public override int GetHashCode()
int result = (Name != null ? Name.GetHashCode() : 0);
result = (result*397) ^ (Street != null ? Street.GetHashCode() : 0);
result = (result*397) ^ Age;
return result;
使用质数397可以为值生成唯一数,以更好地分发哈希码.参见 http://computinglife.wordpress.com/2008/11/20/why-do-hash-functions-use-prime-numbers/了解有关在哈希码计算中使用质数的更多详细信息.
The use of the prime number 397 is to generate a unique number for a value to better distribute the hash code. See http://computinglife.wordpress.com/2008/11/20/why-do-hash-functions-use-prime-numbers/ for more details on the use of primes in hash code calculations.
当然,您可以使用反射来获取所有属性来执行此操作,但这会比较慢.或者,您可以使用 CodeDOM 来动态生成代码,以基于对属性的反映来生成哈希并缓存该代码(即生成一次并在下次重新加载).但是,这当然很复杂,可能不值得付出努力.
You could, of course, use reflection to get at all the properties to do this, but that would be slower. Alternatively you could use the CodeDOM to generate code dynamically to generate the hash based on reflecting on the properties and cache that code (i.e. generate it once and reload it next time). But, this of course, is very complex and might not be worth the effort.
An MD5 or SHA hash or CRC is generally based on a block of data. If you want that, then using the hash code of each property doesn't make sense. Possibly serializing the data to memory and calculating the hash that way would be more applicable, as Henk describes.