我有/使用Xcode 7.0 beta 5进行源代码控制,但是当我尝试在新安装的Xcode 7.0 GM中执行提交时,它不起作用。 (新的Xcode 7.0 GM取代了我之前的Xcode 6.4版本,它从来没有源代码管理工作。)我得到错误消息工作副本APP NAME无法提交文件
,如下图所示: 这个问题类似于
- ,但没有明显差异。似乎必须有一些我可以编辑或替换的文件,但我不知道它在哪里。我的两个Xcode版本都使用相同的项目文件夹。
git config --list
user.name = Suragch
core.repositoryformatversion = 0
core.filemode = true
核心。 bare = false
core.logallrefupdates = true
core.ignorecase = true
core.precomposeunicode = true
remote.MongolAppDevelopment-iOS.url = https://github.com/ suragch / MongolAppDevelopment-iOS.git
remote.MongolAppDevelopment-iOS.fetch = + refs / heads / *:refs / remotes / MongolAppDevelopment-iOS / *
branch.master.remote = MongolAppDevelopment-iOS
branch.master.merge = refs / heads / master
解决方案GI t config --list
git config --local -l
如果不是这样,XCode7测试版可能会认为不同$ HOME,而你的命令行使用普通的HOME(在你的user.name和user.email中你有一个.gitconfig)
cd / path / to / rpeo
git config user.name Suragch
git config user.email my_correct_email@mymail.com
I had/have Source Control working with Xcode 7.0 beta 5, but when I try to do a Commit in my newly installed Xcode 7.0 GM it won't work. (The new Xcode 7.0 GM had replaced my previous Xcode 6.4 version, which never had Source Control working.) I get the error message
The working copy "APP NAME" failed to commit files
as is seen in the following image:This question is similar to
- XCode Won't Commit To GIT
- Xcode and Git Source Control : "The working copy XXXXX failed to commit files"
but for mine it does work in the beta Xcode version, just not in the standard version.
I tried running the suggested command line commands as per this answer, but there was no noticeable difference. It seems like there must be some file I could edit or replace, but I don't know where it is. Both of my Xcode versions use the same project folder.
git config --list
inside the project directory I get the following (email changed, but correct):user.email=my_correct_email@mymail.com user.name=Suragch core.repositoryformatversion=0 core.filemode=true core.bare=false core.logallrefupdates=true core.ignorecase=true core.precomposeunicode=true remote.MongolAppDevelopment-iOS.url=https://github.com/suragch/MongolAppDevelopment-iOS.git remote.MongolAppDevelopment-iOS.fetch=+refs/heads/*:refs/remotes/MongolAppDevelopment-iOS/* branch.master.remote=MongolAppDevelopment-iOS branch.master.merge=refs/heads/master
Again, I can make edits to the project in the standard Xcode but in order to update git I have to go back to the Xcode beta.
解决方案git config --list
gives you local and global (and system) git configs.Check if user.name is still registered in the local repo:
git config --local -l
If not, it is likely that the XCode7 beta consider a different $HOME, while your command line uses the regular HOME (in which you have a .gitconfig iwth your user.name and user.email)
Simply try and set those in your repo:
cd /path/to/rpeo git config user.name Suragch git config user.email my_correct_email@mymail.com
这篇关于Git Commit适用于XCode测试版,但不适用于正常版本的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!