


我有一个简单的问题 - 这是可能与上下文菜单中的图标添加菜单项?我搜索这个问题,所有我发现的是,这是不可能的,但是当我执行长单击添加到主上下文菜单被显示在Android设备的主屏幕,包含文本菜单项和图标,所以我也一定是这样做的一种方式。

I have a simple question - It is possible to add a menu item with an icon to a context menu ? I've searched this issue and all I found is that it is not possible, but in the Home screen of the Android device when I perform long-click a "add to home" context menu is being displayed, contains menu items with text and icon, so I figured there got to be a way of doing it.

我尝试使用 MenuItem.setIcon()的方法,但图标没有在上下文菜单disaplyed,只有文字。

I tried using the MenuItem.setIcon() method but the icon is not disaplyed in the context menu, only the text.



无论你在哪里看到的图标,这不是一个上下文菜单。如果感觉有点像一个上下文菜单,但有图标,这可能是一个 AlertDialog 使用自定义的 ListAdapter 使用行带图标。

Wherever you see icons, that's not a context menu. If it feels a bit like a context menu but has icons, that's probably an AlertDialog with a custom ListAdapter that uses rows with icons.


05-28 04:37