I have a web application that relies on some resources and parameters to be configured after it is installed, like a JDBC connection.
我提出的是提供 META-INF / context.xml
,将其复制到 [engine-name] / [server-name] / [app-name]。部署应用程序时由Tomcat创建的xml
What I have come up with is providing a META-INF/context.xml
which is copied into [engine-name]/[server-name]/[app-name].xml
by Tomcat when I deploy the application. This way all I am providing is a war file that can be copied into the appBase folder (webapps).Tomcat's documentation says if there is such a file it won't be overwritten which is really great, since the changes made after deployment won't be lost.
据我所知,Tomcat 修改此行为。
But there is a subtle issue here:Since we deploy the application by copying into webapps directory, Tomcat will first uninstall the existing application as well as the configuration file. This way the configuration file will be lost / overwritten which is not desirable.Tomcat won't modify this behaviour as far as I know.
The question is:Is there a way to work around this issue by installing the application in a way that Tomcat won't remove the existing configuration file.Or, is there a better way of packaging the application?
请注意我们不想将autoDeploy设置为false而我们不能使用人工干预用于安装(使用Tomcat Manager Web应用程序排除)。
Please note that we don't want to set autoDeploy to false and we cannot use human intervention for the installation (which rules out using Tomcat Manager web application).
如果我从.war文件中获取配置文件并将其单独复制为 [engine-name] / [server-name] / [app-name] .xml
If I get the configuration file out of .war file and copy it separately as [engine-name]/[server-name]/[app-name].xml
, Tomcat will still associate it with my application and remove it once I copy a new .war file.
Another assumption is: We don't know in advance the values to the configuration. We will only provide a sample configuration (a placeholder, if you wish) while actual configuration will be performed at some time later (not necessarily in the installation time).
I managed to resolve this issue somehow.
1-在某处外部安装一个爆炸的WAR目录 Tomcat的appBase,我们假设它位于 / usr / local / MyApp
。 [如果您的应用程序从未爆炸的战争中运行,则可以使用WAR文件代替WAR目录。]
1- Install an exploded WAR directory somewhere outside Tomcat's appBase, let's assume it is in /usr/local/MyApp
. [You can use a WAR file for this step instead of WAR directory, if your application runs from an unexploded war.]
2-将上下文配置文件复制到 [tomcat.conf] / [engine] / [hostname]
目录,我们称之为 MyApp.xml
2- Copy the context configuration file into [tomcat.conf]/[engine]/[hostname]
directory, let's call it MyApp.xml
. This file will point to the location of the application:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!-- Context configuration file for my web application -->
<Context docBase="/usr/local/MyApp" privileged="true" antiResourceLocking="false" antiJARLocking="false">
<Resource name="jdbc/myapp-ds" auth="Container" type="javax.sql.DataSource"
maxActive="100" maxIdle="30" maxWait="10000" username="XXX" password="XXX"
driverClassName="com.mysql.jdbc.Driver" url="jdbc:mysql://localhost:3306/mydb" />
3- You are now free to go and modify the configuration file.
4-通过在/ usr / local / MyApp中复制新版本的应用程序来更新应用程序
4- Update the application by copying new version of your application in /usr/local/MyApp
a)此解决方案也适用于未扩展的.war文件,但由于我们使用Spring的Log4JConfigListener,因此它不会从未爆炸的.war文件运行。 Tomcat不会将.war文件放在appBase(webapps)文件夹之外。
a) This solution applies to an unexpanded .war file as well, but since we use Spring's Log4JConfigListener it wouldn't run from an unexploded .war file. Tomcat doesn't explode .war files put outside appBase (webapps) folder.
b)这种方法不会阻止你在/ usr / local中使用context.xml /MyApp/META-INF/context.xml,因为Tomcat在此配置中不会使用它。您可以在开发环境中使用它,将.war文件转储到appBase(webapps)文件夹中。
b) This approach doesn't prevent you from having context.xml in /usr/local/MyApp/META-INF/context.xml since it will not be used by Tomcat in this configuration. You can use it in your dev environment, where you dump your .war file into the appBase (webapps) folder.
This is what I've got so far, still looking out for better solutions.