我是第一次尝试使用Azure移动应用程序,我应该将其连接到现有的且已填充的SQL Azure DB.据我了解,必须在表中添加 Version , CreatedAt , UpdatedAt 和 Deleted 列,最重要的是必须将 id 列设置为身份.
I'm at my first attempt in using Azure Mobile App, and I should connect it to an existing and already populated SQL Azure DB. As far as I understand, one must add to the tables the Version, CreatedAt, UpdatedAt, and Deleted columns, and most important there must be and id column set as identity.
问题是在某些表上我已经有一个标识列(例如 ItemID ),在不破坏连接到数据的现有第三方应用程序的情况下,我无法重命名.
The problem is that on some tables I already have an identity column (eg. ItemID), wich I cannot rename without breaking existing third party applications that connects to the data.
问题是:有什么方法可以避免使用身份 Id 字段,也许以某种方式映射原始身份?
The question is: Is there any way to avoid using the identity Id field, maybe someway mapping the original identity?
[edit]I've already looked at the samples on the web, like that:
but there seems to exist some differences between mobile service and mobile app, and I'd really be happy if someone point me out to the right direction, maybe with an usable example
With some adaptations the sample worked!
**在我的表中添加了 ITableData 必填字段:
*Added to my table the ITableData mandatory fields:
首先使用 EF代码从数据库中创建模型
Created the model with EF Code First From database
Created the DTO class with only the data fields and inherited from EntityData
*Created the custom MappingDomaninManager like this:
public class MSSEntityDomainManager<TData, TModel>
: MappedEntityDomainManager<TData, TModel>
where TData : class, ITableData, new()
where TModel : class
private Expression<Func<TModel, object>> dbKeyProperty;
public MSSEntityDomainManager(MssContext context,
HttpRequestMessage request,
Expression<Func<TModel, object>> dbKeyProperty):base(context, request)
this.dbKeyProperty = dbKeyProperty;
public override Task<bool> DeleteAsync(string id)
return this.DeleteItemAsync(ConvertId(id));
public override SingleResult<TData> Lookup(string id)
return this.LookupEntity(GeneratePredicate(id));
public override Task<TData> UpdateAsync(string id, Delta<TData> patch)
return await this.UpdateEntityAsync(patch, ConvertId(id));
private static Expression<Func<TModel, bool>> GeneratePredicate(string id)
var m = Mapper.FindTypeMapFor<TModel, TData>();
var pmForId = m.GetExistingPropertyMapFor(new AutoMapper.Impl.PropertyAccessor(typeof(TData).GetProperty("Id")));
var keyString = pmForId.CustomExpression;
var predicate = Expression.Lambda<Func<TModel, bool>>(
Expression.Equal(keyString.Body, Expression.Constant(id)),
return predicate;
private object ConvertId(string id)
var m = Mapper.FindTypeMapFor<TData, TModel>();
var keyPropertyAccessor = GetPropertyAccessor(this.dbKeyProperty);
var pmForId = m.GetExistingPropertyMapFor(new AutoMapper.Impl.PropertyAccessor(keyPropertyAccessor));
TData tmp = new TData() { Id = id };
var convertedId = pmForId.CustomExpression.Compile().DynamicInvoke(tmp);
return convertedId;
private PropertyInfo GetPropertyAccessor(Expression exp)
if (exp.NodeType == ExpressionType.Lambda)
var lambda = exp as LambdaExpression;
return GetPropertyAccessor(lambda.Body);
else if (exp.NodeType == ExpressionType.Convert)
var convert = exp as UnaryExpression;
return GetPropertyAccessor(convert.Operand);
else if (exp.NodeType == ExpressionType.MemberAccess)
var propExp = exp as System.Linq.Expressions.MemberExpression;
return propExp.Member as PropertyInfo;
else {
throw new InvalidOperationException("Unexpected expression node type: " + exp.NodeType);
与原始示例的区别是从构造函数中完全删除了 ApiServices 引用,并添加了 AutoMapper.Impl 命名空间添加到PropertyAccessor,否则默认情况下它将使用 System.Web.Http.OData .
The differences with the original sample are the complete removal of the ApiServices reference from the constructor, and the addition of the AutoMapper.Impl namespace to PropertyAccessor, otherwise by default it will use the System.Web.Http.OData one.
*Created the SQL utility class exactly like the one in the example
public static class MySqlFuncs
[DbFunction("SqlServer", "STR")]
public static string StringConvert(long number)
return number.ToString();
[DbFunction("SqlServer", "LTRIM")]
public static string LTRIM(string s)
return s == null ? null : s.TrimStart();
// Can only be used locally.
public static long LongParse(string s)
long ret;
long.TryParse(s, out ret);
return ret;
This one I've decided to put in a separate "utility" file
*在 Startup.MobileApp.cs 文件中创建了映射,因为示例中提到的WebApiConfig.cs在Mobile App中不存在. Automapper初始化代码按原样工作,我将其放在 ConfigureMobileApp 函数中的 HttpConfiguration config = new HttpConfiguration(); 之后.供参考:
*Created the mapping in Startup.MobileApp.cs file, as the WebApiConfig.cs mentioned in the samples don't exist in the Mobile App. The Automapper initialize code is working as-is, and I've put it just after HttpConfiguration config = new HttpConfiguration(); in ConfigureMobileApp function. For reference:
AutoMapper.Mapper.Initialize(cfg =>
// Mapping from database type to client type
cfg.CreateMap<StuffToGet, StuffToGetDto>()
.ForMember(dst => dst.Id, map => map.MapFrom(src => MySqlFuncs.LTRIM(MySqlFuncs.StringConvert(src.ID))));
// Mapping from client type to database type
cfg.CreateMap<StuffToGetDto, StuffToGet>()
.ForMember(dst => dst.ID, map => map.MapFrom(src => MySqlFuncs.LongParse(src.Id)));
Marked with the "*" are the points that are different from the original msdn post.Hope someone found that helpful!