


I'm trying to learn javascript by writing my own events calendar and I ran into a challenge.


I'm doing this to check if a date falls between the start and end date of an event:

if(thisCellDate > startEventDate && thisCellDate < endEventDate) {}


thisCellDate is the current cell in a grid of days I'm looping over (the days in the current month). The problem is that when the start date is on the same day as the cell's in the grid it doesn't work because the date of the cell is technically earlier.


Start Date: Fri May 02 2014 15:01:16 GMT-0400 (Eastern Daylight Time)
Cell's Date: Sat May 02 2014 00:00:00 GMT-0400 (Eastern Daylight Time)
End Date: Thu May 29 2014 16:01:24 GMT-0400 (Eastern Daylight Time)

我正在生成带有日期字符串的单元格日期,例如: new Date('8,8,2014')

I am generation the Cell's date with a date string like: new Date('8,8,2014')

现在我想我可以通过使单元格的日期尽可能接近来解决此问题尽可能这样直到下一个日期: new Date(2013,8,8,23,59,59,999)

Now I was thinking I could solve this issue by just making the cell's date as close as possible to the next date like this: new Date(2013, 8, 8, 23, 59, 59, 999)


This way the event dates should always be earlier than the cell dates. Is there a problem doing it this way or is there a clearer way?


当人类指定仅日期范围时,他们倾向于完全封闭范围。从 2014-01-01 2014-01-02 有多少天?两个。

When humans specify date-only ranges, they tend to be fully closed ranges. How many days are there from 2014-01-01 to 2014-01-02? TWO.

但是,当将时间添加到混合中时,无论是在仅时间范围内还是在日期+时间范围内,那么这些范围通常都是半开放范围。从 1:00 2:00 多少小时?一个。

But when time is added to the mix, either in a time-only range, or a date+time range, then these ranges are usually half-open ranges. How many hours from 1:00 to 2:00? ONE.

现在的问题是JavaScript的 Date 对象实际上是一个日期+时间对象。 (名字错误,恕我直言)。如果您未指定时间,则将时间设置为一天的第一时刻-通常(但并非总是)午夜。

Now the problem is that JavaScript's Date object is really a date+time object. (It's misnamed, IMHO). When you don't specify a time, it sets the time to the first moment of the day - which is usually (but not always) midnight.


So you might think that you would do this:

var a = new Date(2014, 0, 1);
var b = new Date(2014, 0, 2);
var inRange = dt >= a && dt <= b;

但这并不说明<$ c $秘密添加的时间c> Date 对象。


So to compensate, you have to add a day, then use a half-open interval:

var a = new Date(2014, 0, 1);
var b = new Date(2014, 0, 2);

var c = new Date(b.getTime());   // clone the date to not muck the original value
c.setDate(c.getDate()+1);        // add a day
var inRange = dt >= a && dt < c; // use a half-open interval


Using a shortened value like 23:59:59.999 might get you by, but it's not a good approach in general. Subtracting the start from the end of an interval should give you it's exact duration - not one millisecond less.


08-20 11:32