

Mozilla的MDN 通知加载具有此存根的事件:


标准1 ,它通知

因此,相关的 onload 处理程序和 load 事件似乎设计为可与Element一起使用.看来这样的元素是< img> ,指示该元素的加载.

It seems that the related onload handler, and the load event is hence designed to work with Element. It seems such an element is <img> to indicate the loading of this.

请注意,现在我在窗口/文档上的 load 事件还指示其所包含的元素的加载状态,但有些元素可以

Please note that I now that the load event on the window/document indicates also the load state of its contained Elements but some Element can

a)更改其 src / href 属性(< img> < script> < link> ,....)b)或其内联内容(< style> < script> )

a) change their src/href property (<img>, <script>, <link>,....)b) or their inline content (<style>, <script>)


有了这个问题,我想知道哪些元素支持 load 事件 onload .Handler".

With this question I seek help knowing "which Elements support the load Event, onload.Handler.

我在Chromium和Firefox中对此进行了测试,并且似乎支持< style> < script>

I tested this in Chromium and Firefox and it seems it is supported in<style>, <script>

var styleElement = document.createElement("style");
styleElement.onload = function() {
    console.log("styleElement onload called");
// output: "styleElement onload called";


but I am unsure if the discovered behavior is actually anywhere specified in the stanards?


支持的HTML标记如下:< body>,< frame>,< iframe>,< img>,< input type ="image"> ;,< link>,< script>,< style>

Supported HTML tags are as follows : <body>, <frame>, <iframe>, <img>, <input type="image">,<link>, <script>, <style>

我在< h1>上进行了测试标签,但没有成功

I tested it on <h1> tag but it didn't work out

<h1 onload="myFunction()">Hello World!</h1>;

有关更多详细信息,请访问 W3学校

For more details, visit W3 schools


08-20 09:17