The following code demonstrates an issue I'm having where closing a child window minimizes the parent window, which I dont want to happen.
class SomeDialog : Window
protected override void OnMouseDoubleClick(MouseButtonEventArgs e)
new CustomMessageBox().ShowDialog();
class CustomMessageBox : Window
public CustomMessageBox()
Owner = Application.Current.MainWindow;
public partial class Window1 : Window
public Window1()
protected override void OnMouseDoubleClick(MouseButtonEventArgs e)
new SomeDialog() { Owner = this }.Show();
Window1 是主应用程序窗口.
Window1 is the main application window.
SomeDialog 是一个在 Window1 中的某个事件上弹出的窗口(在示例中双击 window1),需要 无模式.
SomeDialog is a window that pops up on some event within Window1(double clicking window1 in the example) that needs to be modeless.
CustomMessageBox 是一个在SomeDialog"(示例中双击 SomeDialog)中需要modal的事件时弹出的窗口.
CustomMessageBox is a window that pops up on some event within "SomeDialog" (double clicking SomeDialog in the example) that needs to be modal.
如果您运行应用程序,然后双击 Window1 的内容以调出 SomeDialog,然后您再双击 SomeDialog 的内容以调出 CustomMessagebox.
If you run the application, and then double click Window1's content to bring up SomeDialog, and then you then double click SomeDialog's content to bring up the CustomMessagebox.
现在您关闭 CustomMessagebox.很好.
Now you close CustomMessagebox. Fine.
现在如果你关闭 SomeDialog,Window1 会最小化吗?为什么它会最小化,我该如何阻止它?
Now if you close SomeDialog, Window1 minimizes? Why is it minimizing and how can I stop it?
编辑:看起来解决方法相当简单,使用 Viv 建议的技术.
Edit : It appears the workaround is rather simple, using the technique suggesrted by Viv.
class SomeDialog : Window
protected override void OnMouseDoubleClick(MouseButtonEventArgs e)
new CustomMessageBox().ShowDialog();
protected override void OnClosing(System.ComponentModel.CancelEventArgs e)
Owner = null;
Not sure about the "Why" maybe you can report it as a bug and see what they reply with as with a non-modal dialog you do not expect this to happen.
As for a workaround, Try something like this:
public partial class MainWindow : Window {
protected override void OnMouseDoubleClick(MouseButtonEventArgs e) {
var x = new SomeDialog { Owner = this };
x.Closing += (sender, args) => {
var window = sender as Window;
if (window != null)
window.Owner = null;
^^ 这应该可以防止 MainWindow
(parent) 在 SomeDialog
^^ This should prevent the MainWindow
(parent) from minimizing when SomeDialog
is closed.