本文介绍了assertIsA 的 PHP 单元测试版本的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!


PHPUnit 是否有一个检查值类型的断言

Does PHPUnit have an assertion that checks the type of a value


public function getTaxRate()
    return 21;


I want to test that the value returned is a number.

对不起,我是 PHPUnit 测试的新手.

Sorry but i am new to PHPUnit testing.

我发现 SimpleTest 有 assertIsA();PHPUnit 有没有类似的东西.

I found that SimpleTest has assertIsA(); is there something similar for PHPUnit.



是一个数字"的概念在弱类型语言(如 php)中有点模糊.在 php 中,1 + "1" 是 2.字符串 "1" 是数字吗?

The notion that something "is a number" is a little fuzzy in weakly typed languages like php. In php, 1 + "1" is 2. Is the string "1" a number?

Phpunit 断言 assertInternalType() 可能会对您有所帮助:

The Phpunit assertion assertInternalType() might help you:

$actual = $subject->getTaxRate();
$this->assertIternalType('int', $actual);

但是您不能将断言与逻辑运算符结合使用.所以你不能轻易表达断言 42.0 是整数或浮点数"的想法.这种更密集的断言可以归为一个私有的辅助断言方法:

But you can't combine assertions with logical operators. So you can't easily express the idea "assert that 42.0 is either an integer or a float". Such more intensive assertions can be grouped into a private helper assertion method:

private function assertNumber($actual, $message = "Is a number")  {
    $isScalar = is_scalar($actual);
    $isNumber = $isScalar && (is_int($actual) || is_float($actual));
    $this->assertTrue($isNumber, $message);


And then you just use it in your tests within the same testcase class:

$actual = $subject->getTaxRate();

您也可以编写自己的自定义断言.如果您需要经常运行数字伪类型断言,这可能是您最好的选择,除非我错过了什么.请参阅 Extending PHPUnit,它显示了这是如何完成的.

You can write your own custom assertion as well. This is probably your best bet if you need to run a number-pseudo-type assertion often, unless I've missed something. See Extending PHPUnit which shows how that is done.


这篇关于assertIsA 的 PHP 单元测试版本的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!

05-29 18:48