

我正在尝试计算 Spark 1.6.1 中以下 DataFrame 的最大值:

I'm trying to compute the largest value of the following DataFrame in Spark 1.6.1:

val df = sc.parallelize(Seq(1,2,3)).toDF("id")


A first approach would be to select the maximum value, and it works as expected:


第二种方法可能是使用 withColumn 如下:

The second approach could be to use withColumn as follows:

df.withColumn("max", max($"id")).show


But unfortunately it fails with the following error message:

org.apache.spark.sql.AnalysisException:表达式id"既不是存在于 group by 中,也不是聚合函数.添加到群组如果您不关心哪个值,则通过或包装在 first() (或 first_value)中你明白了.;

如何在没有任何 WindowgroupBy 的情况下计算 withColumn 函数中的最大值?如果不可能,我该如何使用 Window 在这种特定情况下做到这一点?

How can I compute the maximum value in a withColumn function without any Window or groupBy? If not possible, how can I do it in this specific case using a Window?


正确的方法是将聚合计算为单独的查询并与实际结果相结合.与此处的许多答案中建议的窗口函数不同,它不需要 shuffle 到单个分区,并且适用于大型数据集.

The right approach is to compute an aggregate as a separate query and combine with the actual result. Unlike window functions, suggested in many answers here, it won't require shuffle to a single partition and will be applicable to large datasets.

可以使用单独的操作 withColumn 来完成:

It could be done withColumn using a separate action:

import org.apache.spark.sql.functions.{lit, max}

df.withColumn("max", lit(df.agg(max($"id")).as[Int].first))


import org.apache.spark.sql.functions.broadcast

df.crossJoin(broadcast(df.agg(max($"id") as "max")))


spark.conf.set("spark.sql.crossJoin.enabled", true)

df.join(broadcast(df.agg(max($"id") as "max")))


09-13 05:01