我正在尝试在 Google Cloud Dataflow 上构建一个可以执行以下操作的管道:
I am trying to build a pipeline on Google Cloud Dataflow that would do the following:
- 收听 Pubsub 订阅上的事件
- 从事件文本中提取文件名
- 读取文件(来自 Google Cloud Storage 存储分区)
- 将记录存储在 BigQuery 中
Pipeline pipeline = //create pipeline
pipeline.apply("read events", PubsubIO.readStrings().fromSubscription("sub"))
.apply("Deserialise events", //Code that produces ParDo.SingleOutput<String, KV<String, byte[]>>)
I am struggling with 3rd step, not quite sure how to access the output of second step and use it in 3rd. I have tried writing the code that produces the following:
private ParDo.SingleOutput<KV<String, byte[]>, TextIO.Read> readFile(){
//A class that extends DoFn<KV<String, byte[]>, TextIO.Read> and has TextIO.read wrapped into processElement method
However, I am not able to read the file content in subsequent step.
谁能告诉我我需要在第 3 步和第 4 步中写什么,以便我可以逐行使用文件并将输出存储到 BigQuery(或只是记录它).
Could anyone please me know what do I need to write in 3rd and 4th steps so that I can consume the file line by line and store the output to BigQuery (or just log it).
表达阅读的自然方式是使用 TextIO.readAll()
文件名.此方法已在 Beam 代码库中引入,但目前尚未发布.它将包含在 Beam 2.2.0 版本和相应的 Dataflow 2.2.0 版本中.
The natural way to express your read would be by using TextIO.readAll()
method, which reads text files from an input PCollection
of file names. This method has been introduced within the Beam codebase, but is not currently in a released version. It will be included in the Beam 2.2.0 release and the corresponding Dataflow 2.2.0 release.
这篇关于Google Cloud 数据流:从具有动态文件名的文件中读取的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!