


I'd like to externalize the dependency versions in the POM file to a properties file.






Can this be done? If so, what would be the best way to do it?



在项目上启动Maven命令时,它要执行的第一步是创建项目的有效模型.特别是,这意味着读取您的POM文件,使用激活的配置文件进行推理,应用继承,对属性执行插值...所有这些都将构建最终的Maven模型.这项工作由 Maven模型构建器组件完成.入口点是 ModelBuilder 接口,退出点是 Model 类.

When you're launching a Maven command on a project, the first action it takes is creating the effective model of the project. This notably means reading your POM file, reasoning with activated profiles, applying inheritance, performing interpolation on properties... all of this to build the final Maven model. This work is done by the Maven Model Builder component, whose entry point is the ModelBuilder interface, and exit point is the Model class.


The process of building the model is quite complicated, with a lot of steps divided in possibly 2 phases, but the crux of the issue here is simple: at the end of that step, there is a valid effective model to be used by Maven. Which means that all dependencies must have valid group ids, artifact ids, versions; that there are no duplicate dependencies, no plugin execution's with the same ids, etc. (refer to the model description).


Take note that during the model building, interpolation is happening, meaning that if a property is available at that time, and it was used, like ${myProperty}, then it will be replaced with its corresponding value. Among the properties available are:

  • POM内容,例如${project.version}${project.artifactId};
  • ${project.basedir},与pom.xml所在的目录相对应;
  • 在命令行上使用-D开关(如-DmyProperty=myValue)设置
  • 用户属性;
  • 直接在POM文件中的<properties>元素内设置的任何属性;
  • 几个内置的Maven属性,例如${maven.build.timestamp},它表示构建开始的日期/时间,或者是当前Maven版本的${maven.version}
  • Java系统属性,由 System.getProperties()
  • 环境变量;
  • 最后在settings.xml文件内部设置属性 .
  • POM content, like ${project.version} or ${project.artifactId};
  • ${project.basedir}, which corresponds to the directory where the pom.xml is;
  • user properties set on the command line with the -D switch (like -DmyProperty=myValue);
  • any properties set directly in the POM file, inside the <properties> element;
  • several built-in Maven properties, like ${maven.build.timestamp}, which represents the date/time at which the build started, or ${maven.version} for the current Maven version;
  • Java system properties, as returned by System.getProperties()
  • environment variables;
  • and finally properties set inside the settings.xml file.


The critical point point here, is that the version of dependencies must be valid when the effective model is built. This is the only way to make sure the dependency graph is stable and consistent during the build.


This is exactly what is failing here: you would want Maven to be able to read versions inside a properties file, so it means binding a plugin to a specific phase of the lifecycle to read that file and somehow refer to the properties read using a standard Maven properties. Trouble is, this would all be happening after the model is already built, so it is too late for that. All of this process is happening before the build lifecycle has even started; no chance to invoke a plugin before that.


This also implies that it would work if you were to define the property as a command-line property (since, as outlined above, it is available during the interpolation process when building the model). But that is not a best practice: specifying dependency version as a command-line property makes the build very hard to reproduce. Better to specify it as a Maven property inside the <properties> element of the POM, or to make use of the <dependencyManagement> scheme in a parent POM or also importing a BOM.


07-29 20:03