I am reading a byte sequence from a stream. Assume for the sake of argument, that the sequence is of a fixed length and I read the whole thing into a byte array (in my case it's vector<char>
but it's not important for this question). This byte sequence contains a string, which my be either in utf-16 or in utf-8 encoding. Unfortunately, there's no indicator of which one it is.
I can verify whether the byte sequence represents a valid utf-16 encoding and also whether it represents a valid utf-8 encoding, but I can also imaging how the same sequence of bytes may be a valid utf-8 and a valid utf-16 at the same time.
So, does that mean there's no way to generically figure out which one it is?
If the contents are expected to be written in a language using the Latin script, simply counting nulls will detect UTF-16. In UTF-8, null bytes will decode to NUL control character, and they don't appear in text normally.
Languages written in other scripts cannot be fully valid in both UTF-16 and UTF-8 unless it's artificially constructed to be so.
So, first detect if it's fully valid UTF-8 sequence on its own:
- 如果是,请检查是否为空字节,如果有,则为UTF-16.否则为UTF-8.
- 如果不是,则为UTF-16.
If the above resulted in UTF-16, that's not enough as you have to know the endianess as well. With languages written in Latin script, the amount of odd or even null bytes will tell this.