我试图在Active Directory中搜索计算机名称,并在用户从组合框中选择计算机所在的正确房间号后在列表框中显示结果.我已将dirSearcher.Filter设置为仅在列表框中显示计算机,并在下面显示以下代码,并且所有计算机名称都能正确显示.
I am trying to search for computer names in my Active directory and display the results in a list box once the user selects the correct room number the computers are in from a combo box. I have setup my dirSearcher.Filter to only display computers in my list box with the following code below and all the computers names display correctly.
<br />
dirSearcher.Filter = ("(objectClass=Computer)")<br />
But when I add the other part to my filter which allows the user to select the room number from a combo box and all the computers that contain the room# in the computer name to display my search returns no results I would like help if possible for someone to point me in the right direction as the correct way to filter by computer name and display the results in the listbox. The code I have is below any help is appreciated.
<br />
<pre lang="vb"><br />
Dim compuDesc As String<br />
compuDesc = ComboBox1.Text<br />
Dim dirEntry As DirectoryEntry = GetDirectoryEntry()<br />
Dim dirSearcher As DirectorySearcher = New DirectorySearcher(dirEntry)<br />
dirSearcher.Filter = "(&(objectClass=Computer)(name = RM131A*))"<br />
dirSearcher.PropertiesToLoad.Add("name")<br />
Dim dirSearchResults As SearchResult<br />
For Each dirSearchResults In dirSearcher.FindAll()<br />
ListView1.Items.Add(dirSearchResults.GetDirectoryEntry().Name.ToString())<br />
Next</pre><br />
<br />
dirSearcher.Filter = String.Fomat("(objectClass='Computer') and (cn ='{0}')", compuDesc )
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