本文介绍了List.of(...) 或 Collections.unmodifiableList()的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!


如果你有一个 List字符串 实例,你会继续写:

If you have a List<String> strings instance, would you keep writing:



List.of(strings.toArray(new String[strings.size()]))

实例化对性能(内存和运行时)的最初影响是什么?List.of 变体是否有运行时优势?

What's the initial impact in performance (memory- and runtime-wise) of instantion? Is there a runtime benefit in the List.of variant?



This is not really a good comparison because these approaches do different things:

  • Collections::unmodifiable... 创建一个不可修改的视图.它不是不可变的,因为如果您更改原始的后备集合(在您的示例中为 list),它会发生变化.
  • ...::of 另一方面,创建一个不可变的副本.更改原始列表不会影响它.
  • Collections::unmodifiable... creates an unmodifiable view. It is not immutable because it changes if you're changing the original, backing collection (list in your example).
  • ...::of on the other hand, creates an immutable copy. Changing the original list will not affect it.


From a performance view it is obvious that creation of the unmodifiable wrapper is cheaper because it only creates one instance with a single field. The new factory methods will create at least one object, maybe backed by an array (if you have three or more elements), that it needs to copy into.


Access could be faster on the new immutable collections but that would have to be benchmarked.

但正确性胜过性能.你需要什么?如果您需要一个不可变的copy,请使用新方法(或 Guava 的 Immutable...,我更喜欢).如果您需要 某些东西 不可变的,请使用 unmodifiable... 并扔掉原始的(并确保它保持原样).如果您需要调用者无法编辑的视图,请使用 unmodifiable....

But correctness trumps performance. What do you need? If you need an immutable copy, use the new methods (or Guava's Immutable..., which I would prefer). If you need something immutable, use unmodifiable... and throw away the original (and make sure it stays like that). If you need a view that your caller can not edit, use unmodifiable....

这篇关于List.of(...) 或 Collections.unmodifiableList()的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!

07-16 14:19