我正在尝试使用Yii 1.1.14应用程序配置负载平衡的环境,但是我似乎遇到了这样的问题:当负载平衡器使用另一个节点时,Yii无法使用户保持登录状态.在大多数情况下,登录时,它会要求用户登录两次,因为它仅在一个节点上登录,然后在另一节点上加载页面.否则,它将要求用户在浏览中途再次登录.
I am trying to configure a load-balanced environment using Yii 1.1.14 applications, but I seem to be having the problem where Yii does not keep a user logged in when the load balancer uses another node. Most of the time, when logging in, it will ask the user to login twice because it only logs in on one node, and then loads the page on another. Otherwise, it will ask the user to login again half-way through browsing.
该应用程序正在使用数据库会话,并且可以看到数据库中的到期时间正在更新.即使在要求他们登录后立即再次登录的情况下,会话过期时间也会在数据库中更新. Yii对会话进行服务器依赖吗?
The application is using DB sessions and I can see that the expire time is being updated in the database. Even in the case when it asks them to login again straight after they have already logged in, the session expire time is updated in the database. Does Yii do anything server dependent with the sessions?
I've searched around for hours but unable to find much on this topic, and wondering if anyone else has come across such problem.
On the server-side, I am using Nginx with PHP-FPM and Amazon's ELB as the load balancer. The work around (as a last resort) is to use sticky sessions on the load balancer, but then this does not work the best if a node was to go offline and force the user to use an alternative node.
Please let me know if I need to clarify anything better.
问题是,用于生成应用程序ID的基本路径(在会话中以身份验证信息为前缀)在每个服务器上都不匹配. Amazon OpsWorks使用相同的符号链接路径将代码部署到服务器,但是由于版本控制和符号链接,PHP返回的实际路径有所不同.
The issue was that the base path which was used to generate the application ID, prefixed to the authentication information in the session, did not match on each server. Amazon OpsWorks was deploying the code to the servers using the identical symlinked path, but the real path returned by PHP differed due to versioning and symlinking.
For example, the symlink path on both servers was '/app/current'. However, the actual path on one server was '/app/releases/2014010700' and the other was '/app/releases/2014010701', which was generating a different hash and therefore not working with the session.
Changing the base path to use the symlink path in my configuration file fixed the problem, whereas before it was using dirname() which was returning the real path of the symlinked contents. I also had to remove the realpath() function in setBasePath in the Yii framework.
The modifications I made to the Yii framework are quite specific for my issue, but for anyone else experiencing a similar issue with multiple nodes, I would double check to ensure each node contains the application in the exact same path.