我正在尝试简化调试任务,并且有一个想法可以提高调试速度.假设我有一个值,例如2.8651,该值在我不知道的时刻出现在代码中.我想知道是否有可能创建一个超级断点 它会在变量中的一个第一次使用此值时停止.我记得我不知道哪个变量取值.我可以花一些时间在调试器上来了解它,但是我很懒.我对VS的VBA并不是很熟悉.我想,一个解决方案 将创建一个宏,该宏将在代码执行的每一行沿局部变量循环.当条件 localVariable == 2.8651 验证后,该操作将停止.
I'm trying to simplify my debugging tasks and I had an idea which could increase my debugging speed. Suppose I have a value, say 2.8651 that appear in the code at a moment I do not know. I'm wondering if it was possible to create a super breakpoint which would stop at the first time one of the variable takes this value. I recall that I do not know which variable takes the value. I could know it by spending some time on the debugger but I'm lazy. I'm not really familiar with VBA for VS. I guess, a solution would be to create a macro which would loop along local variable at each line of the code execution. It'd stop when the condition localVariable == 2.8651 is verified.