因此,您刚刚被The Boss放在了现场.您需要15分钟的时间才能得出信封估算值的底线,以增加一些新功能.您的老板(很幸运)认识到您当时无法提供准确的估算,因此期望的是正确的数量级.
So you've just been put on the spot by The Boss.You've got 15 minutes to come up with a back of the envelope estimate for the addition of some new feature. Your boss (fortunately) recognizes that you can't provide an accurate estimate in that time so expecting something that is in the right order of magnitude.
The question is how do you go about giving a estimate in the time frame that is accurate to an order of magnitude?
Note that this is meant to be a quick and dirty estimate, not something that might be expected from questions like this
Place finger in mouth, lick, wave in air and make up a number based on past experience. Then double it.
Really, its just experience that counts. You imagine what the task entails you doing, and you know how long it'll take you to do that. Double it for unanticipated items. This is also why you never ask junior programmers for such estimates.