![students students]()
本文介绍了得到错误C1075。我的教授或我自己都不知道为什么。的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧! 问题描述 我计算了所有括号。注释掉除了主要的一切,仍然有这个错误。如果有人能提供帮助那就太棒了 #include< stdio.h> #include< stdlib.h> #include< string.h> //定义 #define MAXCHR 40 #define MAXSTUDENT 10 //结构 struct student { char name [MAXCHR]; int id; char major [MAXCHR]; char classLevel [MAXCHR]; }; // prototype int printStudents(struct student students [],int numStudents); char userChoice(); int main(void) { //声明 FILE * fpIN; struct student students [MAXSTUDENT]; char fName [MAXCHR]; char lName [MAXCHR]; int i = 0; int numStudents = 0; char choice =''; //打开文件检查错误 if((fpIN = fopen(" student.txt"," r"))== NULL) { printf(" Error opening student.txt"); 退出(-1); } //读取文件和存储数据 while(!feof(fpIN)) { fscanf(fpIN," ;%s%s%d%s%s", fName [i],lName [i],& students [i] .id,& students [i] .major,& students [i ] .classLevel); i ++; } do { //调用userChoice choice = userChoice(); //选择的开关语句开关(选择) {案例'a':案例'A': printStudents; 休息; 案例'b':案例'B': for(i = 0; i< MAXSTUDENT; i ++) { if( strcmp(students [i] .classLevel," Senior")== 0) { printf("%s%d%s%s", students [i]。姓名,学生[i] .id,学生[i] .major,学生[i] .classLevel); } } 休息; case'c': case'C': for(i = 0; i< MAXSTUDENT; i ++) { if(strcmp(students [i] .major," Computer")== 0) { printf("%s%d%s%s", students [i] .name,学生[i] .id,学生[i] .major,学生[i] .classLevel); } } 休息; } //结束开关 } while(choice!='d'|| choice!='D'); return(0); } //输出所有学生信息的功能 int printStudents(struct student students [],int numStudents) { for(int i = 0; i< MAXSTUDENT; i ++) { printf("%s%d%s%s", students [i] .name,students [i] .id,学生[i] .major,学生[i] .classLevel); } return(0); } //输出选项菜单的功能 char userChoice() { char choice; //打印出选项菜单 printf(" \ n \ n请从菜单中选择一个选项:\ n \ n"); printf("a。打印出所有学生数据\ n"); printf(" b。打印所有Seniors学生信息\ nn); printf(" c。打印所有计算机专业学生信息\ nn); printf(" d。退出程序\ nn \ n"); scanf("%c",& choice); 返回(选择); } 解决方案 2017年5月17日下午12:44,Liferian写道: 我计算了所有括号。注释掉除了主要的一切,仍然有这个错误。如果有人能提供帮助那就太棒了 为我编译: http://rextester.com/FGEBFL26986 。如果存在问题,它必须位于您未显示的代码中。 I counted out all my brackets. Commented out everything but main and still got this error. If anyone could help that would be great#include <stdio.h>#include <stdlib.h>#include <string.h>//define#define MAXCHR 40#define MAXSTUDENT 10//structurestruct student{char name[MAXCHR];int id;char major[MAXCHR];char classLevel[MAXCHR];};//prototypeint printStudents(struct student students[], int numStudents);char userChoice();int main(void){// declarationFILE *fpIN;struct student students[MAXSTUDENT];char fName[MAXCHR];char lName[MAXCHR];int i = 0;int numStudents = 0;char choice = ' ';//open file check for errorif ((fpIN = fopen("student.txt", "r")) == NULL){printf("Error opening student.txt");exit(-1);}//read file and store datawhile (!feof(fpIN)){fscanf(fpIN, "%s %s %d %s %s",fName[i], lName[i], &students[i].id, &students[i].major, &students[i].classLevel);i++;}do {// call userChoicechoice = userChoice();//switch statement for the choice that was madeswitch (choice){case 'a':case 'A':printStudents;break;case 'b':case 'B':for (i = 0; i < MAXSTUDENT; i++){if (strcmp(students[i].classLevel, "Senior") == 0){printf("%s %d %s %s",students[i].name, students[i].id, students[i].major, students[i].classLevel);}}break;case 'c':case 'C':for (i = 0; i < MAXSTUDENT; i++){if (strcmp(students[i].major, "Computer") == 0){printf("%s %d %s %s",students[i].name, students[i].id, students[i].major, students[i].classLevel);}}break;} // end switch} while (choice != 'd' || choice != 'D');return(0);}//function to output all the students informationint printStudents(struct student students[], int numStudents){for (int i = 0; i < MAXSTUDENT; i++){printf("%s %d %s %s",students[i].name, students[i].id, students[i].major, students[i].classLevel);}return (0);}//function to output option menuchar userChoice(){char choice;//print out option menuprintf("\n\nPlease Choose An Option From The Menu:\n\n");printf("a. Print out all the students data\n");printf("b. Print out all Seniors student information\n");printf("c. Print out all Computer Major student information\n");printf("d. Exit program\n\n");scanf("%c", &choice);return (choice);} 解决方案 On 5/17/2017 12:44 PM, Liferian wrote:I counted out all my brackets. Commented out everything but main and still got this error. If anyone could help that would be greatCompiles for me: http://rextester.com/FGEBFL26986 . To the extent there is a problem, it must lie somewhere in the code you haven't shown. 这篇关于得到错误C1075。我的教授或我自己都不知道为什么。的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持! 10-31 10:36