I have a number I'm getting from an external source I want to write to the mongo as Int
The problem is that the number is above signed Int64 (which is how mongo implements it) - but is still fits unsinged int64
The number is:9223372036854776000
我如何仍将其写入mongo?我越来越OverflowError: MongoDB can only handle up to 8-byte ints
How can I still write it to mongo?I'm getting OverflowError: MongoDB can only handle up to 8-byte ints
使用最新的PyMongo和MongoDB 3.4或更高版本,您可以将标准的Python Decimal与新的BSON Decimal128类型一起使用.
With the latest PyMongo and MongoDB 3.4 or later, you can use the standard Python Decimal with the new BSON Decimal128 type.
from decimal import Decimal
from bson.decimal128 import Decimal128
from pymongo import MongoClient
d = Decimal128(Decimal(9223372036854776000))
collection = MongoClient().test.test
collection.insert_one({'myNumber': d})