


I'm doing some scientific computing in Python with a lot of geometric calculations, and I ran across a significant difference between using numpy versus the standard math library.

>>> x = timeit.Timer('v = np.arccos(a)', 'import numpy as np; a = 0.6')
>>> x.timeit(100000)
>>> y = timeit.Timer('v = math.acos(a)', 'import math; a = 0.6')
>>> y.timeit(100000)


That's more than a 10x speedup! I'm using numpy for almost all standard math functions, and I just assumed it was optimized and at least as fast as math. For long enough vectors, numpy.arccos() will eventually win vs. looping with math.acos(), but since I only use the scalar case, is there any downside to using math.acos(), math.asin(), math.atan() across the board, instead of the numpy versions?


math模块中的函数用于标量是完全可以的. numpy.arccos 函数可能由于

Using the functions from the math module for scalars is perfectly fine. The numpy.arccos function is likely to be slower due to

  • conversion to an array (and a C data type)
  • C function call overhead
  • conversion of the result back to a python type

如果这种性能差异对您的问题很重要,则应检查是否真的不能使用数组操作.正如 user2357112 在注释,数组是numpy真正擅长的地方.

If this difference in performance is important for your problem, you should check if you really can't use array operations. As user2357112 said in the comments, arrays are what numpy really is great at.


10-29 09:33