我目前正在尝试Firebase分析套件,但是,我遇到了一个小问题,我的应用同时在Google Play和Amazon Store(不支持Google Play服务)中分发.我想删除对Firebase的依赖关系(我已经知道该怎么做),但是,我还需要删除Firebase插件,以便在构建时不会引发异常.
I'm currently trying out the Firebase analytics suit, but, i have faced one small issue, my app is distributed on both google play and amazon store (which doesn't support google play services), so for the amazon flavor i want to remove the dependency to Firebase (which i already know how to do), but, i also need to remove the Firebase plugin, so that it doesn't throw an exception while building.
productFlavors {
google {
applicationId 'google app id'
amazon {
applicationId 'amazon app id'
dependencies {
googleCompile 'com.google.firebase:firebase-analytics:9.0.0'
amazonCompile 'com.amazonaws:aws-android-sdk-mobileanalytics:2.2.12'
amazonCompile('com.crashlytics.sdk.android:crashlytics:2.5.1@aar') {
transitive = true;
apply plugin: 'com.google.gms.google-services'
But, i need to remove the plugin only if is the amazon flavor.
Is this even possible? Or at least is there something close that i can try ?
根据Steve的要求,我去了Amazon Kindle平板电脑上尝试使用Firebase版本,即使没有安装Google Play服务,它也能正常工作.
As per Steve request, i went and try the version with Firebase on my Amazon Kindle tablets and it does work even thou there's no Google Play Services installed on them.
按照史蒂夫的回答,即使没有Google,Firebase分析也能正常工作 播放服务.但是我们仍然可以禁用Google服务插件 口味.
As per Steve's answer Firebase analytics works even without Google play services. But we still can disable google services plugin for flavors.
apply plugin: 'com.google.gms.google-services'
android.applicationVariants.all { variant ->
if (!variant.name.contains("flavorName")) {
project.tasks.each { t ->
if (t.name.contains("GoogleServices")) {
// Remove google services plugin
// For latest gradle plugin use this instead
// variant.getVariantData().taskContainer.sourceGenTask.getTaskDependencies().getDependencies().remove(t)