,除了我的编译和运行,你的不可以。但即使 存在我忽略的重大差异,我的例子也反驳了你所说的问题(你明显可以超载+ 带有MulticastDelegate参数的运算符),当你还没有提供完整的,b / b 可编辑时,你不应该期望 的人来编译你的代码代码示例。 PeteI demonstrated a concise-but-complete code sample that overloads the +operator with a MulticastDelegate argument. That was the only complaintin your original post.I don''t see any material differences between the code you posted and mine,except that mine can be compiled and run and yours can''t. But even ifthere are material differences that I''ve overlooked, your question asstated has been refuted by my example (you obviously can overload the +operator with a MulticastDelegate argument), and you should not expectpeople to bother compiling your code when you haven''t provided a complete,compilable code sample.Pete 这篇关于重载加载运算符时,什么是有效参数类型?的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持! 上岸,阿里云!