


I'm trying to convert group of ".jpg" files acting as individual frames into 1 single mpeg video ".mp4"

我使用的示例参数: / p>

Example parameters i used:

frame duration  = 2 secs
frame rate      = 30  fps
encoder         = libx264 (mpeg)
input pattern   = "*.jpg"
output pattern  = video.mp4

基于ffmpeg wiki说明(),我发出这个命令:

Based on ffmpeg wiki instructions at (https://trac.ffmpeg.org/wiki/Create%20a%20video%20slideshow%20from%20images), I issued this command:

ffmpeg -framerate 1/2 -pattern_type glob -i "*.jpg" -c:v libx264 -r 30 -pix_fmt yuv420p video.mp4


[image2 @ 049ab120] Pattern type 'glob' was selected but globbing is not 
supported by this libavformat build *.jpg: Function not implemented

这可能意味着我的构建/版本的API模式匹配命令已更改。顺便说一下,我的Windows 32位ffmpeg下载( ffmpeg-20150702-git-03b2b40-win32-static )。

Which probably means the API pattern matching commands for my build/version have changed. By the way this my windows 32bit ffmpeg download build (ffmpeg-20150702-git-03b2b40-win32-static).


How can I choose a group of files using pattern matching using ffmpeg?


-pattern_type glob 需要glob.h

-pattern_type glob requires glob.h.

glob 是在POSIX标准中定义的,在Windows

glob is defined in the POSIX standard and it's not available on Windows by default.

使用顺序文件命名创建/重命名文件 image ###。jpg 然后使用序列通配符,如 -i image%03d.jpg 作为输入。

Create/rename your files using sequential file naming image###.jpg then use sequence wildcards like -i image%03d.jpg as input.
