

我正在使用在我的一个项目中具有 Solr 后端。我有一个SearchForm,它继承自 FacetedSearchForm 。现在,我想做的是向表单中的某些字段添加初始值。

I am using django-haystack with Solr backend in one of my projects. I have a SearchForm which inherits from FacetedSearchForm. Now, what I am trying to do is to add an intital value to some of the fields within the Form.

from django.forms import forms
from haystack.forms import FacetedSearchForm

    """ My basic search form

    field_one = forms.CharField(required=False, initial='0')
    field_two = forms.CharField(required=False, initial='some_value')

以前,当我使用 django.forms.Form 时,此方法工作得非常好。我一直在研究Django代码和干草堆代码,并喜欢 FacetedSearchForm 扩展了 haystack.forms.SearchForm 并扩展了 django.forms.Forms 。因此,我看不出为什么它不起作用。

previously when i was using django.forms.Form this used to work absolutely fine. I have been digging around django code and haystack code and fond that FacetedSearchForm extends haystack.forms.SearchForm which extends django.forms.Forms. So I can not see a reason why this should not work.


  1. haystack.forms.FacetedSearchForm
  2. django.forms.Form

我还尝试覆盖 __ init __ 方法,并认为我会设置

I also tried overriding the __init__ method and thought I would set the initial values there:

def __init__(self, *args. **kwargs):
    data = kwargs.pop('data', None)

    if data:
        values = {
            'field_one': (data.get('field_one', None), '0'),
            'field_two': (data.get('field_two', None), 'some_value')

        for value in values:
            if not values[value][0]:
                self.fields[value].initial = values[value][3]

    super(MySearchForm, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)

但在 FacetedSearchForm 没有 fields 属性,尽管它们提供对 base_fields 的访问对象,所以我改为尝试做:

but in a FacetedSearchForm there is no fields attribute, though they provide access to base_fields object, so I instead tried doing:

self.base_fields[value].initial = values[value][4]



Strange part came when I realized that It does not raise any errors or exceptions, so I tried printing out the initial values to debug and well it does show that inital values are set.


But when the form is rendered in the template the fields does not have those initial values. The values for the fields are None for both fields in the template.


I tried checking the value using:

{{ form.field_one.value }}
{{ form.field_two.value }}



Have anyone ran into this issue before ? How can I have inital values show up in the template when the form is rendered ?


django .forms.Form 只能将初始数据设置为未绑定的表单,因此设置inital此处不是一个选项。我们应该将初始值作为数据传递给 haystack.views.FacetedSearchView 中的 build_form 方法

As django.forms.Form set initial data only to an unbound form setting inital is not an option here. We should rather pass the inital values as data to the build_form method in haystack.views.FacetedSearchView as this is where form is initialized.



    def build_form(self, form_kwargs=None):
        """ Overrides the build_form method to send initial data

        form = super(MySearchForm, self).build_form(form_kwargs)
        form_data = form.data.copy() # Need to copy this as QueryDict is immutable
        # Set initial data hete
        form_data['field_name'] = 'fields_inital_value'
        form.data = form_data

        return form


08-04 10:10