我已关注这篇文章 在 Azure 服务结构无状态服务中设置 OWIN 自托管 Web API.
I have followed this article to setup an OWIN self hosted Web API within an Azure service fabric stateless service.
我还发现了这篇文章 描述在 Azure 服务结构服务中设置 HTTPS 终结点.
I also found this article which describes setting up an HTTPS endpoint within an Azure service fabric service.
<EndpointCertificate Name="TestCert1" X509FindValue="FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF F0" X509StoreName="MY" />
如何在服务结构中为我的 WebAPI 服务配置 SSL 证书?当我在 Azure 门户中访问我的服务结构集群时,证书"文本框显示为灰色.
How do I configure the SSL certificate for my WebAPI service within service fabric? When I access my service fabric cluster in the Azure portal, the "Certificate" textboxes are greyed out.
在其他 Azure 服务中,它们通常是上传证书的区域,然后应用程序可以引用这些证书.
In other Azure services their is typically a area to upload certificates which can then be referenced by the application.
Do I need to manually include my certificate in the service fabric package and install it into the certificate store before it can be referenced?
此外,azure 是否为 *.cloudapp.azure.com 提供了可以在开发过程中使用的 HTTPS 证书?
In addition does azure provide a HTTPS cert for *.cloudapp.azure.com that can be used during development?
要使用 SSL 保护 SF 中的 OWIN 自托管 API,您可以遵循我编译的不同脚本和示例配置:
To secure an OWIN Self-Hosted API in SF with SSL, you can follow the different scripts and example config I've compiled:
- 将证书上传到 KeyVault (uploadCertToKeyVault.ps1)
- 将证书安装到您的 SF 虚拟机 (installCertOnVm.ps1)
- 配置 ServiceManifest 的 Endpoint 部分
- 配置应用清单的 ManifestImport 和 Policy 部分
步骤 1 &2 可以跳过,但之后需要登录每个虚拟机,手动安装证书.
Step 1 & 2 can be skipped, but then you need to log in to each VM and install the certificate manually.
对于 VMSS:要将 KeyVault 中的证书安装到带有 ARM 的 VMSS 上,请执行以下操作:在您的 VMSS 模板中,在 OSProfile
部分下,有一个名为 secrets
For VMSS:To install certificates from KeyVault onto a VMSS with ARM, do the following:In your VMSS template, under the OSProfile
section, there is section called secrets
. Here you can configure the sourcevault
and add certificates to be installed.
这与所有其他 ARM 模板一样有效.您可以稍后将证书添加到此列表并重新部署模板.然后证书将安装在您的 VMSS 上.
This works like all other ARM templates. You can add a certificate to this list at a later point and redeploy the template. The certificate will then be installed on your VMSS.
这篇关于如何在 Azure Service Fabric 中的自托管 Web API 上配置 SSL的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!