


Is there an explain function for the Aggregation framework in MongoDB? I can't see it in the documentation.


If not is there some other way to check, how a query performs within the aggregation framework?


I know with find you just do



But with the aggregation framework I get an error

    { $project : { "Tags._id" : 1 }},
    { $unwind : "$Tags" },
    { $match: {$or: [{"Tags._id":"tag1"},{"Tags._id":"tag2"}]}},
            _id : { id: "$_id"},
            "count": { $sum:1 }
    { $sort: {"count":-1}}


从MongoDB 3.0版开始,只需更改顺序即可.

Starting with MongoDB version 3.0, simply changing the order from



将为您提供所需的结果(文档此处 ).

will give you the desired results (documentation here).

对于> = 2.6的旧版本,您将需要使用聚合管道操作的explain选项

For older versions >= 2.6, you will need to use the explain option for aggregation pipeline operations

    { $project : { "Tags._id" : 1 }},
    { $unwind : "$Tags" },
    { $match: {$or: [{"Tags._id":"tag1"},{"Tags._id":"tag2"}]}},
    { $group: {
        _id : "$_id",
        count: { $sum:1 }
    {$sort: {"count":-1}}

聚合框架的重要考虑因素是索引也只能用于获取管道的初始数据(例如,在管道开始时使用$match$sort$geonear)作为后续的$lookup$graphLookup阶段.一旦将数据提取到聚合管道中进行处理(例如,通过诸如$project$unwind$group之类的阶段),将在内存中进行进一步操作(如果设置了allowDiskUse选项,则可能使用临时文件) ).

An important consideration with the Aggregation Framework is that an index can only be used to fetch the initial data for a pipeline (e.g. usage of $match, $sort, $geonear at the beginning of a pipeline) as well as subsequent $lookup and $graphLookup stages. Once data has been fetched into the aggregation pipeline for processing (e.g. passing through stages like $project, $unwind, and $group) further manipulation will be in-memory (possibly using temporary files if the allowDiskUse option is set).


In general, you can optimize aggregation pipelines by:

  • $match阶段启动管道以将处理限制为相关文档.
  • 有效索引.
  • 使用$match$limit$skip尽早过滤数据.
  • 最大程度地减少不必要的阶段和文档操作(如果需要复杂的聚合体操,则可能会重新考虑您的架构).
  • 如果您已升级MongoDB服务器,请利用更新的聚合运算符.例如,MongoDB 3.4添加了许多新的聚合阶段和表达式,其中包括支持用于处理数组,字符串和构面.
  • Starting a pipeline with a $match stage to restrict processing to relevant documents.
  • Ensuring the initial $match / $sort stages are supported by an efficient index.
  • Filtering data early using $match, $limit , and $skip .
  • Minimizing unnecessary stages and document manipulation (perhaps reconsidering your schema if complicated aggregation gymnastics are required).
  • Taking advantage of newer aggregation operators if you have upgraded your MongoDB server. For example, MongoDB 3.4 added many new aggregation stages and expressions including support for working with arrays, strings, and facets.


There are also a number of Aggregation Pipeline Optimizations that automatically happen depending on your MongoDB server version. For example, adjacent stages may be coalesced and/or reordered to improve execution without affecting the output results.

与MongoDB 3.4一样,聚合框架explain选项提供有关如何处理管道的信息,但不支持与executionStats模式的find()查询相同级别的详细信息.如果您专注于优化初始查询执行,则可能会发现使用 executionStatsallPlansExecution详细程度.

As at MongoDB 3.4, the Aggregation Framework explain option provides information on how a pipeline is processed but does not support the same level of detail as the executionStats mode for a find() query. If you are focused on optimizing initial query execution you will likely find it beneficial to review the equivalent find().explain() query with executionStats or allPlansExecution verbosity.


There are a few relevant feature requests to watch/upvote in the MongoDB issue tracker regarding more detailed execution stats to help optimize/profile aggregation pipelines:

  • SERVER-19758: Add "executionStats" and "allPlansExecution" explain modes to aggregation explain
  • SERVER-21784: Track execution stats for each aggregation pipeline stage and expose via explain
  • SERVER-22622: Improve $lookup explain to indicate query plan on the "from" collection


05-29 04:52