

在MVC5,我知道你可以在查看一个共享文件夹然后使用的RenderPartial 来在局部视图渲染。

In MVC5, I know you can have a Shared folder under Views and then use the RenderPartial to render in partial views.


Is there only ever one Shared folder for the whole website?, or is it possible to have multiple 'Shared' areas?

比如说,我有以下结构在我的网站: -

For instance, I have the following structure on my website:-










I was wondering if it would also be possible for the Identity folder to have its own Shared folder as well, that RenderPartial would also work for?

如果这是可能的,我可以呈现 PartialView 从这个其他共享文件夹?我试过这个,但没有成功 - 即使我使用波浪号〜办法直接引用视图,但它似乎不喜欢跑步抛出例外。但是,如果我在 \\浏览\\共享文件夹放在 PartialView 然后一切正常。

If this is possible, can I render a PartialView from this other Shared folder? I had tried this but wasn't successful - even if I directly reference the View using the tilde ~ approach, but it doesn't seem to like running throwing an exception. However if I put the PartialView in my \Views\Shared folder then everything works.


您可以通过在下面添加code包括在视图引擎的目录的Global.asax 的Application_Start()事件:

You can include your directories in the ViewEngine by adding following code in Global.asax in Application_Start() event:

RazorViewEngine razorEngine = ViewEngines.Engines.OfType<RazorViewEngine>().FirstOrDefault();
if (razorEngine != null)
  string[] newPartialViewFormats = new[] 

  razorEngine.PartialViewLocationFormats = razorEngine.PartialViewLocationFormats.Union(newPartialViewFormats).ToArray();


Now ViewEngine will find the view in View/Shared and also in Identity/Views/Shared


You can refer this link and also refer this SO Post.


11-01 08:18