我想从 Python 脚本启动交互式 SSH 终端不使用像 pexpect 或 paramiko 这样的模块 - 我想坚持使用 CentOS 预装 Python 提供的内容(以简化兼容性和部署问题).
I'd like to start an interactive SSH terminal from a Python script without using modules like pexpect or paramiko - I want to stick with what CentOS pre-installed Python provides me (to ease compatibility and deployment issues).
我可以使用 subprocess 模块很好地运行命令,但无法获得交互式终端.在 Perl 中,我只会使用反引号来实现这一点,但我正在寻找这样做的 Pythonic 方式.
I can run commands fine using the subprocess module, but cannot get an interactive terminal. In Perl, I would just use backticks to achieve this, but am looking for the pythonic way of doing this.
Can someone point me in the right direction?
UPDATE - 基于@leoluk 的回答,我使用了 docs.python.org 提出:subprocess.call("ssh ...", shell=True)
UPDATE - based on @leoluk's answer, I used the instructions from docs.python.org to come up with: subprocess.call("ssh ...", shell=True)
如果我使用 os.system('ssh [...]')
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