Gmail提供了一种提取Gmail聊天记录的方法吗?聊天记录就像INBOX一样。我希望在中找到它,但它不是现在。有什么我必须启用以允许CHATS标签出现? Gmail API支持此功能吗?
Does Gmail API provide a way to fetch Gmail chat logs? Chats is a label just like INBOX. I expected to find it in Users:label list but its not present.
Is there something I have to enable to allow CHATS label to show up? Is this feature supported in Gmail API?
According to Find timestamp for hangout and chat messages retrieved with gmail api , the fact that chats show up in the Gmail API at all is a bug, not a feature. They are likely leaving it out of the list of labels intentionally.
From that answer, I'm inferring that accessing google hangouts history via the API is unsupported, and the ability to do so may disappear in the future.
这篇关于使用Gmail API访问CHATS标签的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!