本文介绍了如何模拟 boost::asio::write 超时的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!


我正在尝试模拟 boost::asio::write 超时.或者你可以说,我正在尝试使用 boost::asio::async_write 超时.

I am trying to simulate boost::asio::write with timeout. Or you can say, I am trying to use boost::asio::async_write with a timeout.

正如我所见,boost::asio::write 会阻塞,直到所有数据都写入&在另一边阅读.这种功能当然需要超时.

As I see, boost::asio::write blocks until all data has been written & read on the other side. This kind of functionality certainly requires a timeout.

所以,阅读这里的简单答案Robert Hegner 演示了如何使用 timeout 执行 boost::asio::async_read,我尝试采用相同的逻辑进行写入强> 这样做:

So, Reading through this simple answer here by Robert Hegner which demostrates how to do a boost::asio::async_read with timeout, I am trying adapt the same logic for write by doing so:

size_t write_data_with_time_out() {

    long time_out_secs = 2;

    boost::optional<boost::system::error_code> timer_result;
    boost::asio::deadline_timer timer(the_socket->get_io_service(), boost::posix_time::seconds(time_out_secs));

    timer.async_wait([&timer_result] (const boost::system::error_code& error) {

    boost::optional<boost::system::error_code> write_result;
    size_t bytes_sent = 0;
    boost::asio::async_write(*the_socket, boost::asio::buffer(the_buffer_to_write, the_buffer_to_write.size()), [&write_result, &bytes_sent] (const boost::system::error_code& error, auto size_received) {

        bytes_sent = size_received;

    while (the_socket->get_io_service().run_one()) {

        if (write_result) {
        else if (timer_result) {

    if (*write_result) {
        return 0;

    return bytes_sent;

该逻辑适用于读取似乎不适用于写入案例.原因while (the_socket->get_io_service().run_one()) 在调用 the_socket->cancel() 两次后挂起.

The logic works great for read but does not seem to work for write case. Reason is that while (the_socket->get_io_service().run_one()) gets hung after calling the_socket->cancel() twice.

然而,在读取的情况下,the_socket->cancel() 也被调用两次 &不会挂在 while & 的第三个循环上返回.因此读取没有问题.

However, in the read case also the_socket->cancel() is called twice & does not hang on the 3rd loop over of the while & returns out. Hence no issues with read.

对于 boost::asio::async_write 情况,相同的 超时逻辑 是否适用于我的理解?我认为同样的逻辑应该有效.我做错了什么,这正是我需要建议的地方.

Is my understanding wrong that same timeout logic would work for boost::asio::async_write case? I think this same logic should work. There is something wrong I am doing which is what I need a suggestion on.

如果 boost::asio::read &boost::asio::write 有一个超时参数.我不会写这个额外的.似乎有很多要求 asio 的家伙在他们的同步读取中引入超时 &写函数.喜欢这个.asio 人员在不久的将来是否有解决此要求的空间?

Additional info required if possible:
if boost::asio::read & boost::asio::write had a timeout parameter. I would not have been writing this extra. Seems like there have been a lot of requests to asio guys to introduce a timeout in their sync read & write functions. Like this one here.Is there any scope for asio guys to address this request in near future?

我正在同步 boost::asio::read &boost::asio::write 使用工作线程在同一个套接字上运行,这对它非常有效.我所缺少的就是这个超时功能.

I am doing a sync boost::asio::read & boost::asio::write on the same socket using a worker thread for which this works superb. All I am missing is this timeout functionality.

我的代码在 Linux 上运行MacOSX 带有 C++ 14 编译器.这个问题只涉及TCP 套接字.

My code runs on Linux & MacOSX with C++ 14 compiler. This question only concerns TCP sockets.


我编写了以下帮助程序来等待 any 异步操作与超时同步:

I've written the following helper to await any async operation synchronously with a timeout¹:

template<typename AllowTime> void await_operation(AllowTime const& deadline_or_duration) {
    using namespace boost::asio;

        high_resolution_timer tm(ioservice, deadline_or_duration);
        tm.async_wait([this](error_code ec) { if (ec != error::operation_aborted) socket.cancel(); });

此后我还使用完整的 TCP 客户端演示了这一点:Boost::Asio 同步客户端超时

I've since also demoed that with a full on TCP client: Boost::Asio synchronous client with timeout


The sample includes write operations and has been completely tested.

采用原始帖子中更好"的示例(FTP 客户端示例显示了更现实的使用模式):

Taking the "nicer" example from the original post (the FTP client example shows more realistic usage patterns):

#ifndef __TCPCLIENT_H__
#define __TCPCLIENT_H__

#include <boost/asio.hpp>
#include <boost/asio/high_resolution_timer.hpp>
#include <iostream>

class TCPClient {
    void        disconnect();
    void        connect(const std::string& address, const std::string& port);
    std::string sendMessage(const std::string& msg);

    using error_code = boost::system::error_code;

    template<typename AllowTime> void await_operation(AllowTime const& deadline_or_duration) {
        using namespace boost::asio;

            high_resolution_timer tm(ioservice, deadline_or_duration);
            tm.async_wait([this](error_code ec) { if (ec != error::operation_aborted) socket.cancel(); });

    struct raise {
        template <typename... A> void operator()(error_code ec, A...) const {
            if (ec) throw std::runtime_error(ec.message());

    boost::asio::io_service      ioservice { };
    boost::asio::ip::tcp::socket socket { ioservice };

inline void TCPClient::disconnect() {
    using namespace boost::asio;

    if (socket.is_open()) {
        try {
        catch (const boost::system::system_error& e) {
            // ignore
            std::cerr << "ignored error " << e.what() << std::endl;

inline void TCPClient::connect(const std::string& address, const std::string& port) {
    using namespace boost::asio;

    async_connect(socket, ip::tcp::resolver(ioservice).resolve({address, port}), raise());


inline std::string TCPClient::sendMessage(const std::string& msg) {
    using namespace boost::asio;

    streambuf response;
    async_read_until(socket, response, '
', raise());

    await_operation(std::chrono::system_clock::now() + std::chrono::seconds(4));

    return {std::istreambuf_iterator<char>(&response), {}};

#include <iostream>

//#include "TCPClient.hpp"

int main(/*int argc, char* argv[]*/) {
    TCPClient client;
    try {
        client.connect("", "27015");
        std::cout << "Response: " << client.sendMessage("Hello!") << std::endl;
    catch (const boost::system::system_error& e) {
        std::cerr << e.what() << std::endl;
    catch (const std::exception& e) {
        std::cerr << e.what() << std::endl;

¹ 最初是为此答案编写的 https://stackoverflow.com/a/33445833/85371

这篇关于如何模拟 boost::asio::write 超时的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!

08-20 06:57