我的问题开始于我无法再以 root 身份登录我的 mysql 安装.我试图在没有打开密码的情况下运行 mysql...但是每当我运行命令时
My problem started off with me not being able to log in as root any more on my mysql install. I was attempting to run mysql without passwords turned on... but whenever I ran the command
# mysqld_safe --skip-grant-tables &
I would never get the prompt back. I was trying to follow these instructions to recover the password.
root@jj-SFF-PC:/usr/bin# mysqld_safe --skip-grant-tables
120816 11:40:53 mysqld_safe Logging to syslog.
120816 11:40:53 mysqld_safe Starting mysqld daemon with databases from /var/lib/mysql
而且我没有收到开始输入 SQL 命令来重置密码的提示.
and I don't get a prompt to start typing the SQL commands to reset the password.
当我按 + 杀死它时,我收到以下消息:
When I kill it by pressing + , I get the following message:
error: 'Can't connect to local MySQL server through socket '/var/run/mysqld/mysqld.sock' (2)'
Check that mysqld is running and that the socket: '/var/run/mysqld/mysqld.sock' exists!
If I retry the command and leave it long enough, I do get the following series of messages:
root@jj-SFF-PC:/run/mysqld# 120816 13:15:02 mysqld_safe Logging to syslog.
120816 13:15:02 mysqld_safe Starting mysqld daemon with databases from /var/lib/mysql
120816 13:16:42 mysqld_safe mysqld from pid file /var/run/mysqld/mysqld.pid ended
[1]+ Done mysqld_safe --skip-grant-tables
但是如果我尝试以 root 身份登录:
But then if I try to log in as root by doing:
# mysql -u root
ERROR 2002 (HY000): Can't connect to local MySQL server through socket '/var/run/mysqld/mysqld.sock' (2)
I checked and /var/run/mysqld/mysqld.sock
file doesn't not exist. The folder does, but not the file.
另外,我不知道这是否有帮助,但是我运行了 find/-name mysqld
Also, I don't know if this helps or not, but I ran find / -name mysqld
and it came up with:
/var/run/mysqld - folder
/usr/sbin/mysqld - file
/run/mysqld - folder
我是 Linux 和 MySQL 的新手,所以我不知道这是否正常.但我将这些信息包括在内,以防万一.
I'm new to Linux and MySQL, so I don't know if this is normal or not. But I'm including this info just in case it helps.
apt-get remove mysql-server
apt-get remove mysql-client
apt-get remove mysql-common
apt-get remove phpmyadmin
按照与上述相同的顺序重新安装所有软件包后,在 phpmyadmin 安装过程中,我遇到了同样的错误:
After reinstalling all packages again in the same order as above, during the phpmyadmin install, I got the same error:
ERROR 2002 (HY000): Can't connect to local MySQL server through socket '/var/run/mysqld/mysqld.sock' (2)
So I tried again to uninstall/reinstall. This time, after I uninstalled the packages, I also manually renamed all mysql files and directories to mysql.bad
in their respective locations.
然后我再次尝试重新安装 mysql-server
和 mysql-client
Then I tried to reinstall mysql-server
and mysql-client
again. But I've noticed that it doesn't prompt me for a password. Isn't it supposed to ask for an admin password?
To find all socket files on your system run:
sudo find / -type s
Mysql 服务器系统在 /var/lib/mysql/mysql.sock
My Mysql server system had the socket open at /var/lib/mysql/mysql.sock
一旦您找到打开套接字的位置,在您的/etc/my.cnf 文件中添加或编辑包含套接字文件路径的行:
Once you find where the socket is being opened, add or edit the line to your /etc/my.cnf file with the path to the socket file:
.此标志可能会覆盖 my.cnf 位置,这将导致在 my.cnf 文件指示的位置找不到套接字.然后当你尝试运行 mysql 命令行客户端时,它会读取 my.cnf 来查找套接字,但它不会找到它,因为它偏离了服务器创建的位置.因此,除非您关心套接字所在的位置,否则只需将 my.cnf 更改为匹配即可.
Sometimes the system startup script that launched the command line executable specifies a flag --socket=path
. This flag could override the my.cnf location, and that would result in a socket not being found where the my.cnf file indicates it should be. Then when you try to run the mysql command line client, it will read my.cnf to find the socket, but it will not find it since it deviates from where the server created one. So, Unless you care where the socket resides, just changing the my.cnf to match should work.
Then, stop the mysqld process. How you do this will vary by system.
如果您是 linux 系统的超级用户,如果您不知道您的 Mysql 设置使用的具体方法,请尝试以下方法之一:
If you're super user in the linux system, try one of the following if you don't know the specific method your Mysql setup uses:
/etc/init.d/mysqld stop
mysqladmin -u root -p shutdown
- 某些系统没有设置为有一种优雅的方式来停止 mysql(或者由于某种原因 mysql 没有响应),您可以使用以下任一方法强制终止 mysql:
- 一步:
pkill -9 mysqld
- 两步(最不推荐):
- 使用
pgrep mysql
或ps aux 查找mysql 的进程ID |grep mysql |grep -v grep
- 假设进程 ID 为
以kill -9 4969
service mysqld stop
/etc/init.d/mysqld stop
mysqladmin -u root -p shutdown
- Some systems aren't setup to have an elegant way to stop mysql (or for some reason mysql doesn't respond) and you can force terminate mysql with either:
- One step:
pkill -9 mysqld
- Two step (least preferred):
- Find the process id of mysql with either
pgrep mysql
orps aux | grep mysql | grep -v grep
- Assuming the process id is
terminate withkill -9 4969
中查找 pid 文件并将其删除After you do this you might want to look for a pid file in
and delete it确保您的套接字上的权限是这样的,无论 mysqld 正在运行的任何用户都可以读/写它.一个简单的测试是打开它以完全读/写,看看它是否仍然有效:
Make sure the permissions on your socket is such that whatever user mysqld is running as can read/write to it. An easy test is to open it up to full read/write and see if it still works:
chmod 777 /var/run/mysqld/mysqld.sock
If that fixes the issue, you can tailor the permissions and ownership of the socket as needed based on your security settings.
此外,运行 mysqld 进程的用户必须可以访问套接字所在的目录.
Also, the directory the socket resides in has to be reachable by the user running the mysqld process.
- Find the process id of mysql with either
- One step:
- 使用
- 一步: