本文介绍了RESTful 服务 - WSDL 等价物的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!


我一直在阅读有关 REST 和 SOAP 的文章,并理解为什么实施 REST 比使用 SOAP 协议更有利.但是,我仍然不明白为什么 REST 世界中没有WSDL"等价物.我看到帖子说不需要"WSDL 或者它在 REST 世界中是多余的,但我不明白为什么.以编程方式绑定到定义并创建代理类而不是手动编码不是总是有用的吗?我并不是要进行哲学辩论,只是寻找 REST 中没有 WSDL 的原因,或者为什么不需要它.谢谢.

I have been reading about REST and SOAP, and understand why implementing REST can be beneficial over using a SOAP protocol. However, I still don't understand why there isn't the "WSDL" equivalent in the REST world. I have seen posts saying there is "no need" for the WSDL or that it would be redundant In the REST world, but I don't understand why. Isn't it always useful to programmatically bind to a definition and create proxy classes instead of manually coding? I don't mean to get into a philosophical debate, just looking for the reason there is no WSDL in REST, or why it is not needed. Thanks.


Web 应用程序描述语言 (WADL) 基本上等同于 RESTful 服务的 WSDL,但是否需要这样的东西一直存在争议.

The Web Application Description Language (WADL) is basically the equivalent to WSDL for RESTful services but there's been an ongoing controversy whether something like this is needed at all.

Joe Gregorio 撰写了一篇关于该主题的精彩文章 值得一读.

Joe Gregorio has written a nice article about that topic which is worth a read.

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05-27 00:12