


I want: ping server on my PC by it domain name from remote.


  1. DynDNS服务(或,无ip配置更加困难)。它得到一个IP 和(子)域 http://my_domain.duckdns.org 。要在PC上配置 DuckDNS ,我只需要指定一些令牌和我的域名( my_domain )。

  2. 此外,我已经在 lacalhost:3000 上启动了服务器。

  3. 此外,当我转到时,它表示我的IP是 (很好)。

  4. 我为我的电脑配置了静态IP(比方说,$ code> 200.300。 1.15 )

  5. 通过(Port = 3000 ,Protocol = TCP,Internal IP = 200.300 .1.15

  1. DynDNS services DuckDns (or No-IP, config in no-ip is even harder). It gets me an IP and (sub)domain http://my_domain.duckdns.org. To configure DuckDNS on PC I need just specify some token and my domain name (my_domain).
  2. Also I've launched server on lacalhost:3000.
  3. Also when I go to CanYouSeeMee it says that my IP is (that's good).
  4. And I configured static IP for my PC (let's say 200.300.1.15)
  5. And Setting port forwarding for with help of Port Forwarding Wizard (Port=3000, Protocol=TCP, Internal IP = 200.300.1.15)

问题: c $ c> http://my_domain.duckdns.org 或 http://my_domain.duckdns.org:3000 从远程。

Problem: I can't get neither http://my_domain.duckdns.org nor http://my_domain.duckdns.org:3000 from remote.


Assumption: I assume that troubles are in router configurations.


  1. 我如何查看错误?重定向请求到我的路由器或路由器不要求请求到我的电脑。

  1. How can I check what is wrong? Means whether DuckDNS doesn't redirect request to my router or my router don't redirect request to my PC.

我的本地网络方案: strong>

My local network scheme:

Internet <==>    1st Router   <==>             My PC
                 static IP         static IP: (let's say 200.300.1.15)


我浪费了很多时间与No-Ip和DuckDNS。他们都声称他们尽可能的容易,但这不是事实。最后,我使用 ,而不是配置我的路由器和大量的痔疮
- 30秒和 vu a la !所有你需要做的是:

I wasted lots of time with No-Ip and DuckDNS. They all claims they're as easy as possible, but that's not the truth. Finally instead of configuring my router and having lots of hemorrhoidswith God knows what, I used ngrok - 30 seconds and vu a la! All you need to do is:

  1. 下载

  2. 运行它: ./ngrok subdomain =< your_domain_name> < your_server_port>

  1. Download
  2. Run it: ./ngrok subdomain=<your_domain_name> <your_server_port>


07-17 13:58