

你怎么能强行改变 CS IP 无论是在汇编语言?

How can you forcibly change CS and IP both in assembly language ?

ORG 指令可以用来修改 IP ,但你如何修改<$数C $ C> CS ?

ORG directive can be used to change the number of the IP, but how do you change the CS?


Basically I wan to implement multi-threading using assembly.


Many forums, including a question in stack overflow has said its impossible, but then how does C have multi-threading options even when it is made from assembly code ?


要修改 CS:IP 只是做一个跳远 JMP (如 JMP段:偏移)或长呼叫(如<$ C $。 C>呼叫段:偏移),根据您的需要。没有关于 JMP 的和呼叫的。 。IP

To change cs:ip just make a long jump with jmp (eg. jmp segment:offset) or a long call (eg. call segment:offset) depending on your needs. There are several different addressing modes available for jmp link and call link. Implementing multithreading is a totally different matter from simply changing cs:ip.


10-19 13:19