列表中选择一个项目,并在JSF <h:outputText>
I've got a minimal, complete, and verifiable example working as expected, on which there is an issue I don't finish to understand. The code can be seen below and its behaviour basically consists of selecting an item from a list of a PF ajaxified <p:selectOneListbox>
and displaying the item's value on a JSF <h:outputText>
<h:form id="myform">
<p:selectOneListbox id="myselect" value="#{bean.optionSelected}">
<p:ajax listener="#{bean.onChange}" process="myselect" update="toupdate" onstart="onstart()" oncomplete="oncomplete()" onerror="onerror()" onsuccess="onsuccess()"/>
<f:selectItem itemLabel="Option 1" itemValue="1" />
<f:selectItem itemLabel="Option 2" itemValue="2" />
<f:selectItem itemLabel="Option 3" itemValue="3" />
<h:outputText id="toupdate" value=">#{bean.optionSelected}" />
看着该元素,我不仅仅知道是什么特定事件导致ajax请求发送到服务器,也就是说,我不知道触发的事件是否是 valuechange 事件或其他事件.换句话说,我想念这样编码的<p:ajax>
Looking at the element, I don't just know what specific event is causing the ajax request to be sent to the server, that is, I don't know if the triggered event was the valuechange event or some other. In other words, I miss a <p:ajax>
element coded in this way:
<p:ajax event="name_of_the_event" .../>
这个疑问使我不知道支持bean端的侦听器方法将使用的接收事件的类:public void onChange(??? event)
And this doubt makes me to not know the class of the receiving event to be used by the listener method in the backing bean side:public void onChange(??? event)
Any clarification/explanation would be really appreciated. Thanks.
根据PrimeFaces onchange)时,<p:selectOneListbox />
中的下拉展示柜 <p:ajax listener="..." />
According to the PrimeFaces dropdown showcase <p:ajax listener="..." />
inside a <p:selectOneListbox />
will call the listener when the user selects a different item (onchange
And the ajax tag documentation says that the event
attribute is optional and:
- 以默认事件为参数调用方法
- 调用没有任何参数的方法
所以<p:ajax listener="#{myBean.onAjaxAction}" />
public void onAjaxAction(){
If there is no other method with a more matching method signature.
If you want to have more info about the event, you can leave the EL identival and server-side add an event. Each concrete event as a parameter should extend javax.faces.event.AjaxBehaviorEvent
public void onAjaxAction(javax.faces.event.AjaxBehaviorEvent event) {
You can then retrieve the event source amongst other things. If you need even more info (if available) you need to use a more concrete event class. If you do not know what the concrete default event (and its corresponding class) is, you can add the method above and in the method try to inspect the concrete event (as is done in the System.out...
For many PrimeFaces components the events are mentioned in the documentation. And all existing PrimeFaces events (for all components) can be found in the org/primefaces/event
package so using code-completion in an IDE would give you options (mind that not all work in all components obviously).
If there are no explicitly named events in the documentation, the basic dom events should at least work, including the onchange. Most often for inputs 'onchange' is the default event.
由于<p:selectOneListbox />
Since for the <p:selectOneListbox />
there are no explicit events mentioned in the docs, the default event to trigger ajax request will be onchange
. For this the javax.faces.event.AjaxBehaviorEvent
should be used as parameter if needed.